PYD refutes to release captured Halabja youths
Kurdpress 8.9.2013 – The Syrian pro-Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) denied releasing the Kurdish members of Islamist group of Jabhat al-Nusra who joined the extremist group from Kurdistan Region’s city of Halabja to go for jihad in Syria.
We are against sending Kurdish youths of Kurdistan Region to fight against the Kurds in Syria Kurdistan, PYD representation in the Iraqi northern self-ruling enclave Jaffar Hanan told NNA. Dozens of Kurdish youths have arrived to Syria Kurdistan but they are fighting the Kurds instead of president Bashar al-Assad’s government, he went on to say, stressing that his party considers their release a danger and would not allow them to go despite demands from their families. The number of those arrested is too many and their release is illogical, Hanan stressed.