PYD (LONDON)Information and Relations Centre Of Democratic Union Party / / Briefing News and Activities in West Kurdistan
Doctors and pharmacists in Kobani declare their solidarity with the people of Sere Kaniye.
Kobani- Across the region, people in the cities of Western Kurdistan has expressed solidarity with their brethrens in SerêKanîyê. In Kobanî doctors and pharmacists have expressed their support by declaring that they will provide medicine and healthcare to the people of Serê Kanîyê and if the need arises also form field hospitals.
In Qamishlo The Peoples Council works to find solutions to the problems of day to day life
Qamishlo – the role and influence of the people on its society has been institutionalized by the Peoples Council. In all cities of Western Kurdistan a wave of democratic change has come and at its forefront is the Peoples Council which allows the people to organize and distribute public goods, service and social welfare to the inhabitants of Western Kurdistan regardless of nationality or religion.
Abduction of 6 people of the Electricity Committee of the People’s Council in Aleppo by gunmen
Aleppo – there are constant power outages since one month as has been witnessed by people in Kurdish neighborhoods. The Peoples Council in the neighborhood of Sheikh Maksoud decided to send a electricity committee comprising six people to the area of Handarat to do maintenance work on a power grid that provide electricity to the western and eastern neighborhood of Sheikh Mahksoud . However the members of this electricity committee was according to the Peoples Council in Aleppo kidnapped by an armed group, since then there has been no known information about the whereabouts, health or fate of these 6 people.
In light of the deteriorating security situation and the lack of electricity in the city of Aleppo since nearly a month the people of Aleppo continue to suffer power outages, the power-grids mainframe that feeds the city’s electricity is located in a neighborhood under the control of armed groups belonging to the free Syrian army which prevents the entry of maintenance teams.
Economy Committee begin repairing roads in the neighborhood of Ashrafieh
Aleppo – the Economic committee of the People’s Council of Aleppo has today initiated a process of restoration of the public roads in the neighborhoods of Ashrafieh and SheikhMahsuq. The machinery and equipment necessary for the work of repairing public roads in the neighborhood are nowavailable, the work will include the roads in the areas ofAshrafieh and Sheikh Mahsuq and will continue for a week.
The neighborhood of Sheikh Mahsuq har suffered from poor public services under the rule of the Baath because of deliberate neglect of Kurdish areas.
Municipal Committee in Jenderes to repair roads
Afrin – One of the public services among many carried out by the Peoples Council municipal committee of the district ofJenderes in Afrin is to restore city streets.
Supreme Justice Court: keep all contracts and endorsements and judicial decisions
Qamishlo – the Supreme Court of Justice in western Kurdistan issued on the date of 25.11.2012 that the area of Kurdistan would rule on matters of contracts, endorsements and other judicial decisions in order to establish a legal and constitutional society.
Text author Communication No. 1 Date 11/25/2012
Supreme Justice Court justice in West Kurdistan
The Syrian people in general and the Kurdish people in particular have been subjected to repressive laws and ordinances for more than fifty years. Legislative Decree No. 193 issued on 04.03.1952, as amended, to the issuance of the Legislative Decree No. 49 dated 10/9/2008 affected real estate in the border areas and the whole territory of the province ofHasaka. In border areas where Kurdish-majority resides areas the people have been subjected to a security laws which were severely oppressive. The negative effects of these laws suspended the fate of the people as it affected civil-life, commercial relations, and security.
These laws created an imbalance in the social equilibrium and prevented society to renew itself, it stopped the natural growth of the Kurdish society and sentenced it to perpetual state of infertility leading the majority in a state of frustration. It spreads corruption and its bureaucracy prevented the people to their rightful rights until now the effect of these laws are threatening the unity of the Syrian society in general and the Kurdish in particular.
Given what has been happening in the region lately, the political, social, and economic development in Syria in general and West Kurdistan especially in its existing form need to be revolutionized to accommodate basic changes for people in all aspects of life.
At this stage, in a critical stage of the history of our people,this calls for political solutions to solve social, economic and legal problems in order to avoid the contradictions that are a burden on all aspects of the Kurdish community. In order for social justice to prevail serious reform of these laws and decrees must be undertake. These laws has created serious distortions and has been forced upon or people to accommodate Baathist interests to serve its objectives and they function as a Damocles sword on the necks of our people, therefore we in the Supreme Justice Court in Western Kurdistan call on the sons and daughters of the Kurdish people to take the following steps:
First: to keep all contracts, endorsements and judicial decisions relating to agricultural land and licenses previously issued under the current laws and decrees, and not to resort to the committees of conciliation or the justice offices and agencies in the areas of Western Kurdistan at this stage until legal order and constitutional life has been restored.
Second: Remember all lawsuits and complaints brought before all the conciliatory committees and the offices and bodies of justice and reconciliation in line with what is stated in the first item and not to accept or register any complaint or lawsuit related to the content of this communication as of the date of issuance.
Third: The publication of this shall be distributed to the relevant authorities and shall take effect from the date of issuance.
Supreme Court justice in West Kurdistan 11/25/2012
Revolutionary Youth Movement: more than a thousand of members of our movement will join the people’s protection units (YPG).
Qamishlo – the Revolutionary Youth Movement announced in a statement to the public that more than a thousand of their members will join the YPG on the 15th of December in a 29 month period to help protect the people of Western Kurdistan.
Violent clashes and the signs of a humanitarian crisis for the population of Aleppo
Aleppo – Violent Clashes took place at dawn today in the district of Basha .
Several armed groups affiliated with the free Syrian army launched attacks and raids on government buildings. Violent clashes erupted as a result of this. The government buildings lie in the centre of two neighborhoods and both regime forces and these armed groups have stationed snipers on both sides of town and as a result the clash will in all probability endure for a long time.This city of Aleppo suffers continuously from disconnections of telecommunications and electricity, this has especially been the case after the free Syrian army started occupying the rural northeastern part of the city this October, this threatens the city’s power lines which feed the city electricity, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, if it persists this will have a severe negative effect of the rural inhabitants of the northeastern part of the city.
Areas such as Sheijk Mahsuq and Ashrafieh have suffered power outages since the thirty-three days continuous battle between regime forces and the free Syrian army. Major generators are located in both Allirmon and Bani Zeid, the parties to the conflict refrain from allowing workers to maintenance work or to allow personnel from the Peoples Council in the Kurdish districts to fix it.
The power outages poses a severe threat to the people and has lead to a “bread-crisis”, there is already a shortage in the stockpile of flour, especially in the Ashrafiyeh and SheikhMahsuq districts and now the power outages has stopped more than two thirds of furnaces which has promped a decline inliving conditions of the population. This is accompanied by a significant increase in gas prices.
Traders in Derbassiyeh provide assistance to the people of Serê Kanîyê and YPG
Derbassiyeh – traders organized a committee in the cityDerbassiyeh to start a campaign to collect aid to send to the people of the city of Serê Kanîyê and it protect units (YPG) as an expression of gratitude to the people and the YPGs efforts to stop the armed groups that have entered the city.
PYD statement: Attempted assassination of Abdo indicate involvement of an intelligence agency of Turkish or Syrian regimes
Afrin – the Executive Committee of the Democratic Union Party (PYD) condemned in a statement to the press and public the kidnappings and assassinations of Kurdish leaders, saying that “this heinous operations carried out by hired agents serve the ruling regimes of Syria and Turkey.”
Kobani : In defiance with the problem of electricity
Kobani – in order to reduce power outages and to find solutions to this problem, the Peoples Council decided to intervene through its committees and popular service boards to follow up on these issue because electricity is a necessity.
Kobani and Amuda receive displaced families of the Syrian governorates
Cities and towns in Western Kurdistan have witnessed a turnout of refugees from displaced Syrians from the Syrian governorates.This as a result of the clashes between regime forces and the free Syrian army. However the peaceful struggle of the Kurdish people, through liberalization from the Baath regime of Kurdish cities in Western Kurdistan. These places have become a safe place for displaced Syrians.
Kobani received columns of refugees from violence stricken cities damaged by the war between the free and regular army.The columns of Syrian people and their families were provided assistance and supplies necessary for daily life even though the capacity for such means are already scarce.
Hundreds of Kurds demonstrating for a free and common struggle
Derbassiyeh – the initiative of the movement of a democratic society prompted hundreds of Kurds in the city of Derbassiyeh to confirm that the common struggle is the best way to protect the areas of Western Kurdistan from armed groups that strive to take the fight and the battles to security zones and transform them into a battleground for personal interests.
Qamishlo calls “together for joint struggle”
Qamishlo – a massive demonstration took place that began in front of the Kasemo mosque in city of Qamishli on Friday under the slogan of “a common struggle. Thousands of Kurds declared that the people need to unite the struggle between all the components residing in the region and to stand together in the face of mercenary groups that seek to drag the Kurdish areas into fighting and destruction.
Kurdish language Foundation, more than a hundred graduates in Girke Lege
GIrke Lege – under the slogan “We will make the Kurdish language an official language” and within the framework of the campaign launched by the Kurdish language Foundation in western Kurdistan to teach and to have the Kurdish language thought in public schools the Kurdish language foundation organized a ceremony on Friday in Karki to distribute certificates to the successful students that had been in class for 3 months.
Amuda emphasizes resistance in Friday “the common struggle”
Amude – thousands of people gathered today in the courtyard of the martyr Jihad Dirk to demonstrate this Friday under the slogan of “the common struggle” to achieve the objectives of revolutionary freedom, dignity, and to celebrate the resistance that the Peoples Defense Units (YPG) put up to protect the people in the city of Serê Kanîyê
Tirbespiye – Thousands of Kurds in Tirbespiye protested yesterday under the slogan of “the common struggle”. As a result of recent events that took place in Serê Kanîyê people demonstrated for the need for unity and cooperation among all people in Western Kurdistan in order to ensure freedom and democracy .
It is worth mentioning that after the events that took place inSerê Kanîyê recently many people of the region joined the YPG and were active amongst their ranks. People in the city of Serê Kanîyê insisted that they would act jointly to take action against any foreign intervention and that they and the various people of different nationality and religion would run their city and will persue their common struggle for access to a free life.
Qamishlo Police expelled an armed group from the University
Qamishlo – yesterday evening security forces confronted armed groups that hade entered the University building. The armed groups had besieged the building and would not leave, they were however defeated and forced to give in to the request of the brutal security forces .
After the security forces heard that armed groups had besieged the university they went to the site to talk to them and convince them to leave. The university is a civilian institution and they had no right to be there therefore they had to leave. The armed groups however rejected this proposal so the security forces surrounded the building, the armed groups then opened fired but they did not hurt anyone. Eventually they were forced to evacuate the building and leave the university.
Derik: Graduation of the third class of nursing students
Derik – the Health Committee in Derika Hamko officiated the graduation of the third class of the nursing students after doing several health courses in order to be prepared in case of an emergency situation that might happen in the difficult situation that Western Kurdistan is currently experiencing.