PYD blames Barzani spokesman’s statement about Syria Kurdistan

Kurdpress – 5.9.2013 – Syrian pro- Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) lashed out at the Wednesday statement of Kurdistan Region President Massoud Barzani’s spokesman who denied any mass killings have been conducted against Syria Kurds. Barzani’s spokesman Omid Sabah stated the Kurdistan Region’s delegation to investigate Islamist extremist Jabhat al- Nusra massacre against Kurds has found no concrete document to prove the mass killings.

Speaking to Kurdpress, PYD leading official Jaffar Akash harshly rapped at Sabah’s statement, which he said serves the Kurds and the goals in no way.

“See, the Kurds are killed cruelly and their heads cut by the Nusra group. The men expect to register the name, date and hour of the killings; that’s impossible in such a situation, as the comrades are making doubts instead of supporting Kurds we believe al- Nusra has conducted the killings and that’s a reality,” Akash said. It’s not clear “why they doubt the truth” and what goals are they looking for, he added. Answering a question whether he has announced the Syria Kurds will not be target of a possible US attack on Syria, while PYD leader has warned about any Washington’s move against Syria, Akash said he has stated its illogical that the Kurds would be hit by the US while they are fighting Jabhat al- Nusra, affiliated with al- Qaeda, a group the US will attack in a possible strike.