2/3/2016 UPDATE: 
Pro-regime forces backed by heavy Russian air support reestablished a supply line to the partially besieged Shi’a-majority towns of Nubl and Zahra’a northwest of Aleppo City. Opposition forces have denied access to the towns since seizing control of the northern Aleppo countryside in 2012. The regime’s advance severs the opposition-held ground line of communication (GLOC) from the Turkish border into Aleppo City, and positions pro-regime forces to complete the siege of opposition-held neighborhoods of Aleppo City.
Note: The map below surveys Russian airstrikes from January 26-February 1.  The developments from today described above will be reflected in a new airstrikes map planned for Friday, February 5.
The above map was distributed on Twitter on February 3 2016 by an activist. @PetoLucem, Twitter Post, February 3, 2016, 8:06 a.m., https://twitter.com.PetoLucem/status/694914790762872832.