PRESS CONFERENCE : No to the release of women murders under the general Amnesty Law

May 5, 2013 , in Sulaimanyah culture café Zhyan group presented a new report about the side effects of general amnesty law number 2 of 2012 , the report focuses on releasing of women murders under the general Amnesty Law . Today in a press conference: , two members of Zhyan group presented the report which was prepared by DHRD .On 10th October 2012 a short version of this report was submitted to the presidency of Kurkish parliament warning them about the dangers of this law on women situation but there was no any positive reaction .

Zhyan group reported that 7 women murders were released because of this law among them the father of Sakar , a teacher who was killed by her father in 2012 .

Notes : According to the non-official data’s since 1991 about 10000 were killed for different reasons of what so called “honor “ according to the Iraqi panel code in case if male members of the family kill women he can get less charge as exception under so called killing for honor , in Iraqi Kurdistan this article of panel code was amended and no more women murders benefit from any exception which is a big improvement , this is why activist from Zhyan group are attempting to make the side effect of this law public.

prepared by : Falah Muradkhan / Member of zhyan group

Falah Murad khan Shakarm – Iraq project coordinator -WADI Organization

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