Preliminary Program & Call For Registration : 3rd Scientific World Kurdish Congress (WKC2013)


Objectives of the Conference

•          To provide a highly visible forum for establishing new contacts among Kurdish and non-Kurdish academics to share their knowledge

and expertise as well as contacts, to support each other through networking.

•          To work towards creating an international Kurdish lobby to gain support from other international communities and diaspora to serve Kurdistan

•          To  encourage participants to be proactive and create diverse think thank groups in their own area of expertise to support the Kurdistan Regional Government

A major task of this year’s World Kurdish Congress (WKC) is to restructure its organization with new leadership. Since the current president and founding director of the WKC, Prof. Alan Dilani will be leaving after completing his three-year term; a new Board of WKC Directors needs to be put in place. This changeover will inspire a new generation of Kurdish academic and scientists to step forward and continue to develop the vital network to lobby for the Kurdish Diaspora. During the Annual Meeting to be held Sunday, July 13 from 13.00- 17.00, the location of the WKC2014 will also be determined.

Science and Culture for Progress in Kurdistan

3rd Scientific World Kurdish Congress Stockholm, Sweden, October 11-13, 2013

Supporting the Vision of a Kurdistan national Congress

The upcoming 3rd World Kurdish Congress will be held in Stockholm in partnership with the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG). Following last year’s successful World Kurdish Congress (WKC 2012) in Erbil, our partnership with the KRG has manifested an exciting new development that will be of far-reaching benefit to the Kurdish nation.

In November 2013 a permanent Kurdistan National Congress (KNC) will be established in Erbil. For the first time in the history of the Kurdish region, all parts of Kurdistan will gather to discuss the future unification of our nation. The Congress will take place at the end of November 2013 with the participation of more than 900 national and international participants.

The 3rd World Kurdish Congress will precede this important achievement, focusing upon academic and scientific solutions to current challenges within Kurdistan. The forum in Stockholm will further strengthen the unification of Kurdistan as it continues to develop into a progressive and modern society, providing peace and prosperity in the Middle East.

 Dear Colleagues and Friends,

We are delighted to invite you to participate in the 3rd Scientific World Kurdish Congress (WKC 2013) to be held in Stockholm, Sweden October 11-13, 2013.

As the Kurdistan Region continues to undergo significant economic and political change, it is increasingly placed at the center stage of Middle East affairs—socially, economically and politically. Many countries in the region have recognized that progressive societies need to be democratic and inclusive, recognizing the rights of minorities as they move towards stronger and more sustainable economic growth. This equation clearly includes the Kurdish population in the region.

At this moment, Kurdistan is situated upon the leading edge of change. A growing awareness of the importance of the democratic rights of the Kurdish people, along with the political and  power- sharing changes in the region, have placed Kurdistan in the forefront of Middle East business and development opportunities.

The unique scientific focus of this Congress will offer delegates and academics original and stimulating topics during a broad range of plenary sessions. Posters of the latest innovations and solutions in many fields will provide a unique opportunity for delegates to network among themselves.

Scientific approach as Kurdistan continues its major developmental phase. The rich selection of conference sessions will highlight the importance and value of interdisciplinary research. Topics to be addressed at the Congress will include the latest research findings in the field of health and medical science, agriculture, higher education, economy, politics, human rights, sustainable and healthy development, and the infrastructure necessary to support the Kurdistan Regional Government in its mission. The high quality of scientific research, as well as a fascinating range of case studies, ensures that participants will enjoy a unique, knowledge-enhancing experience.

We look forward to seeing you soon in Stockholm as you greet the country of the Kurdish diaspora in Scandinavia and network with new Kurdish colleagues.

Please join us at the opening ceremony to celebrate the 3rd Scientific World Kurdish Congress in the beautiful city of Stockholm.

On behalf of the Scientific and Organizing Committee!


All sessions will be presented by highly qualified Kurdish and non- Kurdish scholars including international scientists from prestigious universities and research institutes, medical professionals, psychologists, economists, agronomists, and political scientists. These speakers will bring a wide range of perspectives on how to best serve our people and society.

Almas Heshmati     Alan Dilani   Serwan M. J. Baban

3rd Scientific World Kurdish Congress

Friday October 11th 2013

08:00 – 12:00          Registration at the conference venue (with a confirmation letter) and Poster Display 13:00 – 15:00      Opening remarks, Carol Prunhuber, Journalist and Writer

Opening of the 3rd WKC and Welcome Speech by KRG

Minister Falah Mustafa Bakir Head of Department of Foreign Relations “Diaspora”

Herish Khola KRG Representative in Sweden

Masrour Barzani Chancellor of the Kurdistan Region Security Council Security and Peace in Middle East and Kurdistan

Alan Dilani Founder and President of WKC Science and Culture for Progress in Kurdistan

15:00 – 15:30          Coffee Break

15:30 – 17:00          Session 1: Lessons Learned from a Successful Diaspora

Chair: Carol Prunhuber (USA)


The Experience of the World Hellenic Inter-Parliamentary Association Jim Karygiannis Member of Federal Parliament, Canada

The Experience of the World Jewish Congress

Uzi Dayan Former Chairman of Israel’s National Security Council

The Experience of the Armenian Diaspora

Kaspar Karampetian President of European Armenian Federation, Armenia Discussion (30 minutes)

19.00- 22.00           Welcome dinner

Saturday October 12th 2013

08:00 – 08:30          Late Registration

08:30 – 10:30          Session 2: The Science of Healthcare Treatment

Chair: Nawzad Saleh (Sweden)


Sabah Jmor (UK) Improving Breast Cancer Service in Kurdistan

Azad Ibrahim Najar (Sweden), Blood Flow inside the First Artificial Heart

Mohammad Shaikhani (Kurdistan, Iraq) Diverse Infectious Diseases in Iraqi Kurdistan

Kawa Amin, Kimi Adamson (UK) Geographical Visualization of the Human Health Network Soza S. Baban (UK) The Critical Role of a Center for Molecular Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases in Healthcare system of Kurdistan

Youssef Hasan (France) Experimental Study of the Effects of Violent Video Games on Emotional Stress Discussion (30 minutes)

10:30 – 11:00          Coffee/ Tea Break and Posters Display

11:00 – 13:00          Session 3: The State of Agriculture and Water Resources

Chair: Koestan Gadan (Norway)


Keynote: Serwan Baban (Kurdistan /UK) Minister of Agriculture and Water Resources Progress in the Agricultural and Water Resource Sectors in Kurdistan

Nasik Najar (Sweden) Successful Handling of Water and Wastewater Management

Jamil Jalal (Kurdistan, Iraq) The Effect of Geographical Factors on Land Use Planning

Sherwan Tawfiq/ Suaad Muhammad (Kurdistan, Iraq) The Latest Research Findings on the Experimental Study of Farming in the Qlyasan Research Station

Soran Hama Amin (Kurdistan, Iraq) Utilizing the Olive Tree for Developing Green Areas in Kurdistan Discussion (30 minutes)

13:00 – 14:00          Lunch, and Posters Display

14:00 – 16:00          Session 4: State of the Economy and Natural Resources

Chair: Vian Ahmad (UK)

Preliminary Program*

Keynote: Almas Heshmati, (South Korea), Natural Resources as a Source of Economic Development

Hadi Rasul (Sweden), Geophysical Methods for Road Transportation

Khazal Auzer (UK), Effective Institutional Design in the Governance of the Oil and Gas Sector

Karwan Ghazi Fendi (Kurdistan, Iraq), Public Transportation and Its Effect on the Reduction of the Use of Private Cars in Kurdistan

Erlend Paasche (Norway), Tracing the Iraqi Kurdish Migration System through a History of Change Discussion (30 minutes)

16:00 – 16:30          Coffee/ Tea Break and Posters Display

16:30 – 18:00          Session 5: The State of Higher Education in Kurdistan

Chair: Adnan Aydin (USA)

Keynote: Ali Saeed Mohammad, (Kurdistan) Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research

Ala Saadeghvaziri (USA), Challenges Facing Higher Education: Beneficial Implications for Kurdistan Universities Hans Olof Gustavsson (Sweden), Mutual Benefits: The Experiences of a Combined Swedish and Kurdistani Educational Project

Mohammad Sharif Sharifi (Australia), The Prospective of Medical Education in Kurdistan Discussion (15 minutes)

Sunday October 13th 2013

08:00 – 8:30            Late Registration

08:30 – 10:30          Session 6: Peace and Democracy in Kurdistan

Chair: Mordechai Zaken (Israel)

Keynote: Masrour Barzani, (Kurdistan) Director of Kurdistan Region’s Security Protection Agency

Dilshad Khdhir (UK) Kurds and Identity Politics in Post 2003 Iraq

Kara Ali Eskerie (Australia) Using the National Security Framework

Ayar Ata (UK) A Study of Kurdish Diaspora in London: Question of History and Identity

Omer Tekdemir  (UK) Political Economy and Political Identity

Tara A. Yahiya (France)  ICT for Citizen Safety in Kurdistan Discussion (30 minutes)

10:30 – 11:00          Coffee/ Tea Break and Posters Display

11:00 – 13:00          Session 7: Politics, Power Sharing and Nation Building

Chair: TBC (TBC)


Keynote: Michael Gunter, (USA) An Analysis of Kurdistan National Building

Osman Suoor (UK), The Kurdish Identity in Turkey

Peshawa A. Muhammed (Kurdistan, Iraq), US Perspectives on Kurdish Independence

Abdulla Al-Dabbagh (UAE), The Right of National Self-Determination and Federalism in the Middle East: The Kurdish Question

Seevan Saeed (UK), From PKK to KCK: Transformation of the Kurdish Struggle in Turkey

Renad Mansour (UK), Pragmatic Diplomacy of the Kurdistan Regional Government Discussion (30 minutes)

13:00 – 14:00          Lunch, and Posters Display

14:00 – 15:30          Session 8: Annual Meeting of the World Kurdish Congress

Chair: Alan Dilani (Sweden) Founder and President of WKC

–           Nomination of the new WKC President

–           Nomination of the new WKC Board, representing Kurdish academia residing in all continents

–           Nomination of the Advisory Committee to review the future and viability of the WKC

–           Nomination of Diyarbakir as the location for the 4th World Kurdish Congress in October 2014

15:30 – 16:00          Coffee/ Tea Break and Posters Display 16:00 – 17:00       Session 9: Panel Discussion


P01  Shahram Aazam (Canada) EMRs and its Benefits

P02    Qalandar H. Abdulkarim (Kurdistan Region) Karzan S. Abdullah Hiwa Abubakir Dlshad H. Saed Dr Azheen Extending the Field of Resection for Peri Ampullary Carcinoma of the Pancreas in the Kurdistan Center for Gastroentrology and Hepatology

P03  Frzand sh. Abdullah (The Netherlands) “Komalkari”;

A Project for Radicalizing European Kurd Rawti Shakh as the First Trans-National Web-Based Islamic Salafi Jihadi Movement – Through Europe to Kurdistan

P04   Osman Ahmed (UK) Documenting the Kurdish Genocide (Anfal 1988) Through Drawing

P05    Shvan Al-Hussein (Germany) Project for Kurdistan – Iraq an Ambulant Modern Orthopaedic – Clinic

P06   Muhamad T. Ali (England) Kurdish Language Planning Policy: Linguistics or Politics!

P07    Nabaz Khayyat (South Korea) Adopting Mobile Telecommunications in the Kurdistan Region

P08   Kawa Amin (UK) Emergency Mobile Health Clinic for Kurdistan

P09 Pshtiwan Sadiq (Kurdistan Region) Secession of the Kurdistan Region According to the Right of Self Determination

P10   Parwin M. Amin, Hekmat N. Mahmood (Kurdistan Region) Zryan Jalal(Canada) Jamil J. Mohammed (Kurdistan Region) and Zana Jalal (Canada) New Source of Economically Viable Oil Extracted from Amygdalus L

P11   Nyma Ardalan (USA) Telemedicine in Southern Kurdistan Providing Remote Medical Care in Rural Areas

P12   Sinem Arsalan (UK) The Use of Islam in the Kurdish Contentious Politics in Turkey

P13   Fatimah Anamaghi (Denmark) and Almas Heshmati (Korea) Youth Unemployment and Vocational Training in the Kurdistan Region

P14   Mordechai Zaken (Israel) Historian of the Jewish and Kurdish People in Kurdistan during the 19th and the 20th Centuries

P15  Chemen Bajalan (Kurdistan Region) The Voluntary Separation (Khul’) Provision Amendment according to the Iraq Kurdistan National Assembly Act No 15 of 2008

P16    Mariwan Baker and Claus F. Behrens (Denmark) Comparison of 3-D Ultrasound Imaging and Kilo-Voltage Imaging for Determining Daily Variations in Position of Prostate during Radiotherapy

P17    Mukadder Baran, Hava Kaya and Medine Baran (Kurdistan Region of Turkey) A Study on University Students’ Levels of Depression and Anxiety: A Sample from Hakkari/Turkey

P18  Delovan F. Barwari (USA) A Two-State Solution to End the Ongoing Violence and Political Crisis in Iraq

P19  Derya Bayir (UK) The Role of the Judicial System in the Politics of the Kurdish Opposition

P20   Ala Berzinji (Sweden) E-Government Solution for Iraqi Kurdistan Region

P21   Tooraj Beygi, Akam Hamedi and Mosleh Rostami (Kurdistan Region, Iran) Potentials of Cooperatives for Poverty Alleviation in Kurdistan

P22   Deniz Cifci (Turkey) Civilization Policies of the Kurdish (!) Hezbolah and its Impact on Kurdish Politics

P23  Deborah M.J. (Kurdistan Region) The Perspective Roles of Civil Society, Private Sector and State in Development of the Federal Region of Kurdistan (FRK) as an Emerging De-Facto State Within the Republic of Iraq, in the 21st Century and Beyond

P24    Baadal H. Elias, Sayran A. Abdulgafar and Shilan I. Abo (Kurdistan Region) The Effect of Noise Pollution on Arterial Blood Pressure and Heart Pulse Rate of Dentists in their Dental Offices in Duhok City- Iraq

P25  S. I. Essaa and M. H. Kakaeeb (Malaysia) A New Secure Framework for Online Banking Systems

P26   Saman Esmaeilnejad (Kurdistan Region, Iran)

Application of Valproic Acid as a Small Molecule Effective on Pluripotency Induction to Enhance Repair Capacity in Kainic Acid Induced Hippocampal Degeneration

P27  Tara Fatehi (Australia) Women’s Health: In Kurdish Societies and Kurdistan

P28   Sharo I. Garip (UK) Conflict Resolution in Comparing: Basque/Spain-Kurdistan/Turkey

P29    Mélisande Genat (France) An Anthropological Perspective on the Evolution of Rural and Urban Organization in Shaping Kurdish Identity: The Case of the Mujamma’at (Collective Towns) of Iraqi Kurdistan

P30    Mélisande Genat (France) From Development to Forced Displacement: Ambivalent Relations between the Iraqi Ba’athist Regime and the Kurdish Governorates 1970-1980

P31   Mélisande Genat (France) Escape from Syria: From Conscription to Desertion, the Experience of Syrian Kurds in Assad’s Wartime Army

P32   Hayrunnisa Goksel (USA) “We are Mothers and We Support Peace”: Kurdish Mothers’ Political Project in Turkey

P33    Boyan Hadzhiev (Bulgaria) New Media and the Development of Modern Society

P34  Bekir Halhalli (Cyprus) Arab Spring and the Kurds: The Paradox of Turkish Foreign Policy 2002-2012

P35  Lena Insulander and Maria Köhler (Sweden) Gaps in Professional Competences in Kurdistan Business Including Field Study in Northern Iraq April 2011 and August 2012

P36  Havjin Jacob (Norway) The Importance of Basic Science for Cancer Treatment

P37   Galina Jalal (Denmark) OR: A Tool for Further Development of Kurdistan

P38   Jamil Jalal (Denmark) Effect of Climate on the Use of Olive Trees to Develop Green Area in Sulaimania

P39   Jamil Jalal (Kurdistan Region) Utilization of Wild Rosa Canina for Development of Vegetation Area and Water Harvesting in Sulaimania Gardens

P40  M. H. Kakaeea and S. I. Essa (Malaysia) New Coding Technique for Optical Communications Systems

P41   Hero Karimi (UK) Beyond Diaspora – What Now?

P42   Sait Keskin (UK) Democratic Society and Radical Democracy or the Nation-State and Liberal Democracy in the Process of Nation Building

P43.  Abdolrahman Khezri, Frøydis D. Myromslien, Ann H. Gaustad, Elisabeth Kommisrud, Nina H. Tremoen and Tuva Holt Hereng (Norway) A Successful Norwegian Model of Reproductive Efficiency in Farm Animals, Extendable for the Future of Kurdistan

P44    Karzan G. Khidhir (Kurdistan Region) Genes for Prostaglandin D2 Receptor are Expressed in Human Scalp Hair Follicles.

P45    Jaafar H. Khidir (Kurdistan Region) Scientific Research and Its Importance with Special References to the Kurdistan Region-Iraq

P46  Kristiina Koivunen (Finland) Ecological Genocide in Kirkuk

P47   Shahnaz Koji (Canada) The Implementation of an Educational and Care System for those Suffering from Dementia in Kurdistan Dementia Society of Kurdistan

P48.  Charountaki Marianna (UK) The Foreign Policy of PKK: The Controversial Power of a Legitimate Regional Party

P49    Hiwa Massih (Kurdistan Region, Iran) New Mobility in Kurdish Diaspora in North Eastern Iran (Kurds in Khorasan)

P50   Kamran Matin (UK) Beyond Primordialism and Modernism: Towards an International Historical Sociology of Kurdish Nationalism

P51     Loghman Moradi (Kurdistan Region, Iran) One-pot Synthesis of Pyrrolo[1,2-a]pyrazines via Three Component Reaction of Ethylenediamine, Acetylenic Esters and Nitrostyrene Derivatives

P52     Nariman  Muhamadi  (Kurdistan  Region,  Iran) Representation of Kurdish National Identity in New Media: Semiotic Analysis of Newroz TV

P53  Aram A. Mustafa (Australia) Mobile Online Booking System for Medical Practices

P54   Karim Najar (Sweden) The Greater the Plasticity of the Brain, the Easier It Becomes to Communicate and Achieve Well-Being

P55  Azad I. Najar (Sweden) New Laparoskopic Suturing Technique – Animal Study

P56  Arif B. Ozer, Ahmet F. Oncel, D. Keith Hollingsworth, Larry C. Witte (USA) The Effect of Sliding Bubbles on Nucleate Boiling of a Sub Cooled Liquid Flowing in a Narrow Channel

P57   Abdolsamad Rahmani (Kurdistan Region, Iran) Role of Tourism Industry in Further Development Process of Kurdistan

P58   Ziyad Raoof (Poland) The Polish Experience Within the Scope of Cooperation with Diaspora as a Valuable Example for the Kurdish Process of Nation Building

P59    Azad Raza, Mark Lawther and Sten Kvist (Denmark) Processes for Preparing Healthy and Added Value Food Ingredients Beta-Glucan from Oat (Avena Sativa) the Kurdistan Grain-Rich Beta-Glucan Cereal.

P60    Dilshad M. Razawa and Erik Knudsen (UK) Cinematizing Genocide: Exploring Cinematic Form and Its Relationship to the Hidden Voices of the Kurdish Genocide of 1988

P61     Siavash  Rezazadeh  and  Showan  Rostami  (Kurdistan Region, Iran) The Role of Entrepreneurship and Institutions in the Development of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq

P62   Nawzad Saleh (Sweden) Intermediate Coronary Care Units: Rationale, Infrastructure, Equipment, and Referral Criteria in Kurdistan Iraq

P63 Adnan Savan (Poland) and Ehsan Savan (Kurdistan Region) National Cancer Control Program in Kurdistan. Necessary or Not?

P64  Simon M. Schleimer (Germany) Back to an Outland – The Return Migration of Kurdish Children to Iraqi Kurdistan

P65    Shuela M. Sheikh-Abdullah (Kurdistan Region) The Morphological Features of Mica and Chlorite Minerals in Fine Sand Fraction in Some Forest Soils of Kurdistan Iraq

P66   Jaza T. Talib, Xalil Karem, Saya S. Sabir, and Jamil Jalal (Kurdistan Region) Effect of Geographical Factors on the Use of Shallow and Rocky Soil Area in Sulaimania Governorate

P67    Sherwan I. Tawfiq and Suaad M. Sheikh-Abdulla (Kurdistan Region) Genetic Analysis for Seven Pea Varieties and their Diallel Hybrids for Forage and Seed Yield

P68  Nashe Vahabzadeh A Better Urban Lighting for New Kurdistan

P69   Yvonne van der-Bijl (The Netherlands) Hapsa

& Harkje: Two Strong Women from East and West, and the Emancipation of Kurdish Women in Modern KRG

P70  Mohammad  R.  Zarehbin  (Kurdistan  Region, Iran) One-Pot Green Synthesis of Novel Pyrrolo 1, 4-benzoxazinederivatives in Poly (ethylene glycol) the Scientific Committee

Prof. Alan Dilani, Ph.D. Architect/ Public Health, Sweden, Chair

Prof. Almas Heshmati, Ph.D. Economics, Seoul- Korea

Prof. Serwan Baban, Ph.D. Minister of Agriculture, KRG, Kurdistan

Prof. Nawzad Saleh, MD. Ph.D. Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden

Prof. Tara A. Yahiya, Ph.D. Computer Science, University of Paris, France

Prof. Vian Ahmed, Ph.D. University of Salford, UK

Prof. Adnan Aydin, Ph.D. The University of Mississippi, USA

Prof. M. Ala Saadeghvaziri, PhD, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA


Organizing Committee

Prof. Alan Dilani, Ph.D. Architect/ Public Health, Sweden Dr. Carol Prunhuber, Ph.D. Journalist and Writer, USA Herish Khola, KRG Representative in Sweden

Chia Madani, M.Sc. Computer Science, Sweden

Halkawt Hikmat Ali, M.Sc., Council of Swedish Government, Sweden

Mariwan Baker, Ph.D. Candidate Copenhagen University Hospital, Denmark

Alex Atroushi, Invest in Kurdistan, Sweden Ali Barhoon, M.Sc. Tetra Pac, Sweden

Sipan Ismail, M.Sc. Swedish Immigration Office, Sweden Ferhat Sönmez, Student, University of Stockholm, Sweden


Board of World Kurdish Congress

Alan Dilani, Founder and President Almas Heshmati, South Korea Serwan Baban, Kurdistan

Carol Prunhuber, USA Chia Madani, Sweden Halkawt Ali, Sweden


Contact details – E-mail: Tel. +46 70 453 90 70

World Kurdish Congress

Box 7196, SE-103 88 Stockholm – Sweden

 WKC 2013 invites all Kurdish scholars with a minimum degree of Masters (M.Sc., M.A., and MBA) from various disciplines to register online;

The process for acceptance is the following:

•          All registration forms will be read and evaluated for acceptance. Participants will be notified after 3-4 days that they have been confirmed to attend.

•          Space of the venue is limited to certain numbers of participants. If this number is reached prior to September 30 registration will be closed.

•          All speakers must register prior to September 20th otherwise their name will be replaced in the final program.


•          Due to limited funds, the WKC 2013 will not cover travel and accommodation expenses of delegates to the congress. All delegates and speakers are responsible for their visa, they can use our confirmation letter to request a visa.

•          Registration is only by confirmation from the World Kurdish Congress.

•          There is no registration fee.

All delegates should register online at

Please complete one form per participating person. All participants including speakers are required to register in advance in order to receive confirmation of participation.    |

World Kurdish Congress  Box 7196 10388  Stockholm, Sweden  Tel: + 46 70 453 90 70