POSTPONED PRIORITIES ! – Turkey- PKK peace process & Kurdish congress two top priorities for KRG: analyst

26.9.2013 – Kurdpress – The new Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) will put all its energy into holding the Kurdish National congress and playing an active role in the peace talks between Turkey and the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), a Turkey Kurdish analyst wrote in ilkehaber news base.

The congress was postponed due to the parliament election and the KRG is now expected to resume its efforts in this regard, Isik Fahim wrote, stressing that the congress is a serious step in the political activity of the Kurds and big Kurdish parties will be responsible in the face of any fault. The analyst wrote, in a part of his article, about the Iraqi northern region’s parliament election and linked the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan’s (PUK) failure in the election to the absence of its decisive leader Jalal Talabani.