PKK & Turkey negotiating over every step in peace talks: Zubair Aydar tells Kurdpress

30.7.2013 – Kurdpress – Every step in peace talks between Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) and Turkey government is discussed between the two sides, the chief of PKK Europe Branch Zubair Aydar told Kurdpress in an exclusive interview.

Answering a question whether Turkey is determined to its promises to PKK, Aydar, also a member of the outlawed party’s leading council, said: “Every negotiation has its own condition. That’s not the case that we have made no agreement with Turkey. If there was no consensus and determination, none of our recent months’ attempts had been carried out. Every step taken during the time has been discussed with Turkey government.”

He added that the peace talks have entered the second phase and now it’s the government’s turn to make basic changes in Turkey constitution. The PKK official added they are waiting for Turkey parliament opened and the Islamic holy month of Ramadan end and then we expect serious steps from the government.