PKK answers Ocalan’s letter after 50 days

SPEEDY DELIVERY : 50 pages at first – after 50 days = 7 pages reaction / CEMIL BAYIK ARGUES PRO AKP

28-1-2014 – The Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) leading council sent back the answer to a 50-page letter of the party’s jailed Leader Abdullah Ocalan after 50 days, IMC TV channel said.

Written in 7 pages, the letter was brought from Qandil to Ankara by Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) deputies Pervin Buldan and Edris Baluken and is due to be given to Ocalan in Imrali prison where he is serving his life sentence. The BDP deputies refused to reveal the content of the letter to the media. The report is at a time that one of two PKK council’s leaders, Cemil Bayik, said in a surprising remark that there will be political vacuum in Turkey politics if ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) leaves politics in the country.