09 January 2014 – His Excellency Ban Ki Moon – Secretary General of the United Nations – United Nations Headquarter – New York NY 10017 – U.S.A.
H.E. Secretary Mr. Moon,
This letter is written in order to express our concerns and suggestions regarding the ongoing crisis in Syria deeply affecting the Middle East and the Geneva-2 Meeting on January 22.
It is well known that multilateral conflicts between opposition groups in Syria give rise to ever increasing instability and irreparable polarization among Syrian peoples. Up till now, Arabs, Kurds, Syriacs, Druzes, Alewites, Sunnis, Christians and many identities in Syria had no chance to politically represent themselves freely. No idea or culture or life style could find an opportunity to develop during the Baas Regime.
The Arab Spring was a chance for a more democratic country in Syria. Many Syrians believed that a change will provide freedom to everyone in Syria. While Syrian peoples were ready to uprising and expect the revolution, unrealistic foreign interventions have annihilated the revolutionary soul for a democratic Syria.
As it is said widely, the revolution is “stolen”. Especially radical and fundamentalist groups supported by some governments negatively redirected Syria’s legitimate and political will. We consider that the radical groups, especially the Al-Qaida-linked ones, have an important responsibility in deepening crisis in Syria. Therefore, we request you to express your sensitivity in this issue and take an action to prevent radicalism and fundamentalism both in Syria and in the Middle East .
While the conflicts are ever increasing in every square of Syria, Kurdish dominated region of Syria, known as Rojava Kurdistan, has relatively gained stability with the support of Kurdish Supreme Council.
Kurdish Supreme Council is one of the largest political organizations in Syria which protects all the peoples in North of Syria against Al-Qaida and Baas Regime. In spite of very limited international support, Rojava Kurdistan has established its own institutions in order to serve the peoples in Rojava.
Today, North Part of Syria declared its temporary autonomy and a regional government was founded. There has been founded a pluralistic, democratic, secular administrative system based on the Syria’s peoples’ will. This system is supposed to be carried out by local assemblies in three cantons called as Cizîr, Kobanê and Efrîn. Every canton has the right to choose its own official language. According to the Social Contract of Rojava, Kurdish, Arabic and Syriac are official languages.
According to Hewler(Erbil) Agreement signed in Iraqi Federal Kurdistan Region(KRG) on 24 December 2013 by The West Kurdistan People’s Assembly (MGRK) and Syrian Kurdish National Council (ENKS), it was agreed on to attend Ceneva-2 Meeting as a third part. Today, this agreement by two Kurdish assemblies has been fully supported by Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) in Turkey, Kurdish Regional Government, being headed by Mr. Mesud Barzani, and all the Kurdish Political Parties in the KRG.
Security issue has been under the control of People Protection Units which is directly responsible to the civil body, Kurdish Supreme Council. This army includes Kurdish, Arab and Syriac battalions.
We believe that the implementations and policies of the Kurdish Supreme Council is a great opportunity to put Syria into true direction. Democratic autonomy system in Rojava can be considered as a more realistic and reasonable model for the future of a democratic and federal Syria.
Kurdish Supreme Council is a “third way” against Baas Regime and fundamentalist and radical groups in Syria. As the fourth biggest party and being to get the supports of majority of Kurds in Turkey; Peace and Democracy Party fully supports Kurdish Supreme Council in representing Rojava Kurdistan in Geneva-2 meeting on January 22.
In this regards, we kindly ask you to take an initiative to invite the Kurdish Supreme Council to the Ceneva-2 meeting as an important representative of Syrian Kurds and also an important and powerful democratic opposition in Syria.We believe that any of your attempts in this manner would much contribute to Syria’s future democracy and would expand the hopes on this issue.
Sincerely yours,
Selahattin DEMİRTAŞ
Nazmi GÜR – Co-Chair of BDP Vice Co-Chair of BDP