PDKS leaves Syrian Kurdish National Council

ANF – News Desk 26.09.2013 – The Democratic Kurdish Party of Syria (PDKS) has released a statement announcing its leaving the Syrian Kurdish National Council (Encumena Nîþtîmanî ya Kurdî li Sûriyeyê-ENKS) which it accused of making an agreement with Syrian opposition that contradicted the interests of Kurds.

PDKS remarked that some circles in the ENKS made decisions on behalf of the Council which -it said- has recently grown away from the Kurdish movement and made a thought-provoking agreement with the Syrian coalition forces that does not recognize Kurds. An agreement reached between an ENKS delegation and Syrian opposition in Istanbul on 28 August was objected by other members of the Coalition and the Supreme Kurdish Council which said that the agreement didn’t represent Kurds.

İbrahim Biro, Secretary of the Yekiti Party, who took part in the talks with the Syrian National Coalition in Istanbul had defended that ENKS’s joining the Coalition was a positive development, and that it would not possibly lead to a separation within the coalition.

In an interview with ANF, Kurdish Supreme Council member İlham Ehmed said that ENKS cannot hold talks on the basis of its own initiative as long as the Council is present, nor can it have the Kurdish Supreme Council make decisions. This is why they decided to eliminate the Kurdish Supreme Council, she said and warned that ENKS’s elimination from the Kurdish Supreme Council and participation in the Coalition was aimed at defeating the resistance in the Kurdish region and suppressing the West Kurdistan People’s Assembly, MGRK, and Democratic Union Party (PYD). Ehmed remarked that ENKS made every effort for the approval of its application to the Coalition because it knew that it would come to an end in its political situation should it be denied to join it.

“Parties except for those affiliated to the Political Unity and some others (Azadî, El Partî, Yekîtî) side with the formation of a Kurdish unity. We are however of the opinion that ENKS is being subject to an intense external pressure and denied to make decision with its own will by the government of South Kurdistan”, Ehmed said. On 4 September, Kurdish Supreme Council launched an investigation against the Azadi Party for allegedly taking part in the attacks against West Kurdistan. The Azadi Brigade affiliated to Azadi Party is involved in the attacks targeting the Kurdish neighborhoods in Aleppo since 6 September.