Parliamentarians & politicial party representatives visit Kandil
RANYA (DIHA) 23.2.2013 – A crowd delegation of the Federative Kurdistan Region, including parliamentarians, lots of politicial parties and non-governmental representatives, visited some villages of Kandil region. Those villages were bombed by the Turkish warplanes. The delegation visited the villages and reported the villagers’ problems.
Turkish warplanes often bombard Kandil villages for the last years. These bombardments caused to death of lots of people and also wounded more than people. Dozens of homes were destroyed and numerous animals were massacred by those bombs. Some villagers abandoned their villages, some other have to live under these dangerours risks. A crowd delegation of the Federative Kurdistan Region, including Goran Movement Parliamentarian Ferman Êzedin, other parliamentarians, lots of politicial parties and non-governmental representatives, visited some villages of Kandil region. Those villages were bombed by the Turkish warplanes. The delegation visited the villages and reported the villagers’ problems. Also, YNK and Kurdistan Democratic Solution Party (PÇDK) representatives joined in the delegation.