OFFICIAL STATEMENT SYRIAN COALITION : We go to Geneva II on the Syrian People’s Terms
13-11-2013 – Badraldin Jamous, the Secretary General of the Syrian Coalition, confirmed that “the negotiating team in Geneva II will be determined exclusively by the Syrian Coalition.” Jamous added that “we will not go to Geneva just for the sake of going, but in order to achieve the objectives of Geneva defined by the conditions set by the Syrian Coalition.”
The Coalition’s spokesman Louay Safi emphasized that the Coalition “will not accept the presence of any other political body beside it during the negotiations of Geneva II,” adding that “the Syrian Coalition is the only body authorized to appoint the members of the negotiating team in the conference.” Furthermore, Safi cautioned the international community of “the Coalition’s decision regarding participation in Geneva II is inseparable from the details that emphasize that Assad must step down and transfer power to a transitional governing body with full powers, including presidential power with authority over the military and security branches.” The Syrian Coalition stipulates that prior to the conference, access for relief convoys to all besieged areas must be ensured, and prisoners, especially women and children, must be released.” Meanwhile, the Free Syrian Army welcomed any “political solution based on holding the criminals accountable along with the formation of a transitional body with full powers ” that ensures the exclusion of Assad and his close associates from the future of Syria. (Source: Syrian Coalition)