NORTH KURDISTAN : Imprisoned parliamentarians were in parliament!

ANF, 22.12.2012 –  The peace and Democratic Party (BDP) members of Turkish parliament put their comrade pictures’ in protest for their absent in the parliament.

Pervin Buldan, the vice president of peace and Democratic Party, spoke for Selma Ermak a member of parliament (BDP) which is in the prison. Pervin speaking on behalf of Selma mention, that Selma has been selected by the people of Şirnex (Şirnak) in 06/2011 and got 46 thousands 208 votes, but I am not in parliament instead in the prison of Amed.

Also read the letter of Selma Ermak “if you missed me and want to know what I am doing in the prison system of Turkish government, Sometimes we look at the parliament conflicts on TV, self-giving and devotion of our people, bodies of guerillas ripped apart by the Turkish army, and Roboski massacre. She says, Selma’s heart always beats for Şirnex people and thinks about them all the time, and mentioned that the Roboski was massacre and Turkish government has its hand on it.After that, Sebahat Tuncel, the Member of parliamen of Istanbul (BDP) spoke for Gulser Yildirim a parliament member of which is in the prison now. Sebahat Tuncel continued by saying massacre against Kurdish people in 2000 was violation against humanity in Turkey and also the 68 days hunger strike of thousand Kurdish prisoners and their Kurdish followers. He says the Turkish government didn’t progress on the issues at all, and none of them have been resolved.

Also another Member of Turkish parliament Sırrı Süreyya Önder, read the letter of Ibrahim Ayhan an elected of city of Riha, after his election by the people of Riha for the parliament, the Turkish government arrest him for no apparent reason. Because of bad conditions in the city of Riha prison, the prisoners upraised against their inhumane treatment by city officials. This caused 13 prisoners lost their lives in return. They replace Ibrahim, from Riha to Adana’s prision, which cost Ibraham 2 heart attack. Finally they moved him to another prison in Amed.

Hasip Kaplan a Şirnex elected Member of parliament read the letter by Faysal Sariyildiz (another elected member of parliament) which now serves his time in prison. He said justice is nonexist in Turkey. Sariyildiz says, Kurdish issues have not been resolved and we’re looking for peaceful solution, but a Turkish government doesn’t want solution to the Kurds issues, during 7 years, thousands of Kurds have been arrested, among these arrests are 6 elected members of parliament (BDP), 32 mayor, hundreds of members party, 36 journalists and 33 lawyers. Sariyildiz talked about Mr. Ocalan condition in the prison and says for to end the conflicts between Kurds and Turks, the government should meet Mr. Ocalan and negotiate a peaceful solution for the conflict between Kurds and Turks. Our struggle will continue for this purpose.