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Iran Attempts to Lure Kurdish Students to Join the Basij
The Islamic Republic of Iran has during a period of more than 30-years purposely and systematically neglected Iranian Kurdistan, refusing to invest in the region, making it one of the most deprived and poor regions of Iran. Unemployment rates in Iranian Kurdistan are among the highest in the whole of Iran, forcing some young Kurds to join the paramilitary Basij force on promises of loans with low interest rates.
Kurdish Human Rights Activist Arrested in the University of Orumiye
Shermin Qadri, who is 29-years-old and originally from the city of Mahabad, was arrested by Iranian intelligence agents after that she had written several letters to the education board of the Western Azerbaijan province complaining that students were being illegally forced to pay money to continue their studies.
Kurdish Man Injured in Landmine Explosion in Ilam
Hussein Daweri, a 55-year-old Kurdish man, stepped on a landmine that was left from the Iran-Iraq war.
Iranian Security Forces Killed a Kurdish Man and Dragged his Body Behind a Car
Kurdistan Press Agency (KURDPA) – Iranian security forces dragged the body of a 26-year-old Kurdish man behind a car for two kilometers after that the security forces had killed him.
Kurdish Citizen Arrested in Qorveh
Iran’s Revolutionary Guard arrested a Kurdish citizen by the name of Erfan Mohammedi in the Kurdish town of Qorveh on unknown charges.
Close to 100 Landmine Victims in Qasre Shirin
During the past 22 months close to 100 individuals have become victims of landmine explosions in the Kurdish town of Qasre Shirin.
Former Kurdish Political Prisoner Froze to Death
A former Kurdish political prisoner by the name of Ismail Qaderzadeh froze to death on January 1 in the city of Shno in Iranian Kurdistan.
IRGC Killed Three Kurdish Civilians
In three separate incidents Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) killed three Kurdish civilians.
Five Kurdish Civilians Arrested in Hawraman
Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) arrested five Kurds in the Hawraman region of Iranian Kurdistan.
Kurdish Citizen Sentenced to 2 Years and 8 Months in Prison
Kurdistan Press Agency – A Kurdish citizen by the name of Kamil Mam Shekh was sentenced to 2 years and 8 months in prison on charges of being a member of a Kurdish opposition party.
Wife of a Kurdish Political Activist Placed under House Arrest
Kurdistan Press Agency – Kazhal Hozhabry, who is a resident of Mariwan and the wife of a Kurdish political activists living Sweden, has been released from prison and placed under house arrest.
Four Kurdish Political Prisoners have not seen their Families for 17 Years
Four Kurdish Political Prisoners, Omer Imami, Ali Salehi, Mohammed Moradi and Wali Droodi, were sentenced to long-term prison sentences for being members of a Kurdish opposition party and have not been allowed receive visits from their family members for the past 17 years.
IRGC Runs 300 Drug Laboratories in the Sardasht Region
Kurdistan Press Agency – Sources in the Sardasht region have revealed that members of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) are running 300 drug laboratories, in which drugs are produced and distributed.
PDKI Raised the Issue of 7 Imprisoned Activists with the KRG
The 7 activists from Iranian Kurdistan that were arrested did not participate in the demonstration in front of the Iranian consulate and they had nothing to do with the demonstrators that threw the rocks. But, Iraqi Kurdish authorities arrested them after demands by the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Source: PDKI