New leader will not be elected during PUK convention
13.01.2014 – BasNews: The head of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) Council announced that during the fourth convention of the PUK, to be held on January 31, a new leader will not be elected. Only the reports of the committee will be shown said council head Adil Muradi.
“The council has sent a suggestion to the PUK president’s office and the bureau about the PUK’s fourth convention to interpret the reports that the administration of the PUK committee will show, as well as to make some changes within the bureau, but not to elect a new president for the PUK,” Muradi explained. Muradi noted they want to leave the PUK’s presidency position as it currently is until September. In the fifth convention, which is likely to be held after September, a new president will then be elected. Muradi also pointed out that Gorran (The Change Movement) recently held its first convention in a similar manner, and that the PUK consider it normal to apply such an agenda to their convention as well.