New Ground in Cruelty / von Thomas von der Osten-Sacken

“There isn’t much the Palestinian people haven’t suffered. But the use of enforced starvation against them by the Syrian dictatorship of Bashar al-Assad at the Yarmouk refugee camp breaks new ground in cruelty. Hundreds are said to be facing imminent death by starvation, lack of water and medical care, and the loss, for almost a year now, of all heat and electricity.” (Quelle)

Bislang herrschte in den Kreisen der Palästinasolidarität in Deutschland vor allem eisernes Schweigen zu Yarmouk. Nichts war zu hören von den Matrosen der Mavi Marmara und anderen, denen angeblich doch das Wohl der Palästinenser so sehr am Herzen liegt. Jetzt endlich gibt es einen Aufruf der DJP und eine Demonstration ist geplant.

Während iranische Medien derweil einfach Schuldumkehr betreiben, etwas unangenehm ist ihnen die Sache schon, hat auch der Minister für religiöse Angelegenheiten der Palästinensischen Autonomiebehörde etwas zu Yarmouk zu sagen:

PA Minister of Religious Affairs Mahmoud Al-Habbash:

“There is a message we must convey to those who kidnapped the Yarmouk [Palestinian] refugee camp [in Syria] with baseless false slogans, pretexts, and excuses. We say to them: ‘The venue for resistance and Jihad is not the Yarmouk refugee camp. Whoever wants resistance, whoever wants Jihad, the direction for Jihad is well-known and clear. Everyone knows it. I don’t think that there is anyone who doesn’t know where Jihad is supposed to take place. [applause from the audience] I don’t think that there is anyone who doesn’t know to where we should direct efforts or where to concentrate the masses. I don’t think there is anyone who doesn’t know this. Those who send young people to Syria or elsewhere to die for a misdirected cause must stop and understand that Jerusalem is still waiting.