Nechirvan Barzani criticizes in forum Baghdad & US policies (OBAMA)

6.3.2014 – Kurdpress – In his speech addressing a forum in Sulaymanyia, Kurdistan Region President Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani talked about the recent conflict between his government and Iraqi federal government and criticized US policies in the Middle East and Iraq in particular.

“We are deeply concern about the recent tensions with Baghdad, the day we had feared has arrived,” said Barzani in the forum hosted by the American University in Sulaymanyia. “The current US policies are very different to those of the former US administration and won’t rely on Middle East energy resources anymore, they no longer give as much importance to the Middle East” Barzani explained. After Barzani’s speech, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu opened his speech in Kurdish and received the audience’s applause. The two-day forum is set to explore the theme of ‘Navigating Challenges in the Middle East.’