Turkish follows English – Turkey’s Test of Wills Abukar Arman argues that it is naive to look at the Erdoğan/Gülen conflict as if it were merely a domestic power play.
Fethullah Gülen: Powerful But Reclusive Turkish Cleric Fethullah Gülen spoke to the BBC in his first broadcast interview in sixteen years.
From His Refuge in the Poconos, Reclusive Imam Fethullah Gülen Roils Turkey In his comments to The Wall Street Journal, Fethullah Gülen accused Erdoğan of abandoning the path of reform.
Turkey Faces a “War” Within Its Borders as Prime Minister Erdoğan Cracks Down on Opponents “At the end of this fight it will be like the World War One; even the winners will not be winners,” Ruth Sherlock writes.
Turkey’s Regime Crisis: Are Erdoğan’s Days Numbered? According to Svante E. Cornell, “the question is for how long Erdoğan will be able to remain in power at all.”
Falling Facades: The Gülen Movement and Turkey’s Escalating Power Struggle Gareth H. Jenkins writes that “the power struggle between Erdoğan and Gülen has stripped away the last traces of the facades that each had spent years trying to construct.”
Obama’s New Problem: Turkey “The Obama administration should not underestimate the depth of Turkey’s domestic crisis and its implications for US-Turkey ties,” Henri Barkey argues.
No More US Silence on Turkey Morton Abramowitz, Eric Edelman, and Blaise Miszta suggest that “the United States needs to tell Ankara to change course.”
Who’s Afraid of Babak Zanjani? Emanuele Ottolenghi and Saeed Ghassemineja comment on the arrest of Babak Zanjani, the chairman of the Sorinet holding company.
Worse Than Corruption Nuray Mert argues that the recent crisis is worse than corruption; it is the culmination of the democratic weaknesses of the political system and of the political culture.
Who Is Undermining Turkey’s Image and Prestige? (1)–(2) Cafer Solgun argues that the one who undermines Turkey’s image and prestige in the world arena is the government itself.
Erdoğan vs. Gülen: Who Has God on His Side? (1)–(2) Mustafa Akyol argues that the recent judiciary crisis might create positive outcomes as well as destructive ones
Kurdish Movement Worries Crisis in Turkey Might Undo the ‘Peace Process’ “The Kurdish movement is giving conditional support to Erdoğan and his party,” Kadri Gürsel writes.
Who is Spying on Turkey and for Whom? (1)–(2) Murat Yetkin comments on Erdoğan’s statements about a “parallel state structure,” international conspiracies, and espionage.
Imagining the Unimaginable “Many ordinary supporters of the AKP are asking themselves how Muslims can do this to other Muslims?” writes Semih Idiz.
Islamist vs. Islamic Bülent Keneş, the Editor-in-Chief of Todays’ Zaman, points to differences in approaches to Islam in Turkey in order to understand the recent political crisis.
This is Too Much! Ekrem Dumanli, the CEO and Executive Editor-in-Chief of Zaman, focuses on the sociological and moral aspects of cursing or sanctifying people.
AK Party’s Islamism Mümtazer Türköne argues that the corruption investigations revealed the details of Erdoğan’s totalitarian project.
Intimidation Toward Press on “Sub Judice” Rule Abdullah Bozkurt comments on the Turkish judiciary’s record on the rule of “sub judice.”
Why Did the Pineapple Enter Erdoğan’s Speech? Sedat Ergin points out that Erdoğan’s reference to pineapples is not an abstraction, but rather a reference to the Gülen movement.
Venturing Into Terra Incognita According to Suat Kiniklioglu, depending on the outcome of the local elections, a redrawing of the political map might occur, though it remains unforeseeable at this point.
“Parallel Structure” Taha Akyol says the discussion surrounding conspiracy theories prevents a rational approach to the recent political-legal crisis.
The Gülen Movement’s Normalization Crisis Hatem Ete claims that the Gülen Movement is maintaining the strategy they have adopted under the conditions of the Old Turkey.
AKP Winning Perception War “Erdoğan has been surprisingly successful in framing the graft probe in his favor, while purging the bureaucracy on an unprecedented scale,” Pinar Tremblay writes.
How Do The Voters Think? Markar Esayan criticizes the opposition parties, the CHP and MHP, since they cannot provide a viable alternative to the AKP.
The Collapse of Erdoğan’s Way According to Ihsan Yilmaz, Erdoğan’s polarization and victimhood tactics are not working and harm the economy.
Political Effect on Economic Decisions Erdal Saglam warns that the political decisions pertaining to the economy threaten Turkey’s macroeconomic equilibrium.
Erdoğan’s Brussels Visit
Brussels Unimpressed With Turkey’s Internal Struggles, Sticks to Principles A detailed account of Erdoğan’s visit to Brussels after a five-years stagnation period in EU membership negotiations.
Erdoğan Got the EU Message on Judiciary (1)–(2) According to Murat Yetkin, the AKP’s agreement to freeze the HSYK bill after Erdoğan’s visit to Brussels is an indication that Erdoğan really cares about Turkey’s links with the EU and about what the EU officials say.
Erdoğan Briefs EU on “Rule of Judiciary” Danger In Brussels, Erdoğan told EU leaders about the Gülenist activities in the judiciary and explained his vision for Syria, Nagehan Alçı writes.
Wishful Thinking and Self-Delusion Joost Lagendjik writes that the perception in Turkey, strongly promoted by Erdoğan and his parrots in the Turkish media, are “somewhere between wishful thinking and self-delusion.”
Eurasia Group: Turkey Now Not Emerging Market Reflecting upon Erdoğan’s Brussels visit, Ian Bremmer argues that the crisis in Turkey will only end when Erdoğan quits.
Has Erdoğan Convinced EU of the Existence of a “Parallel State”? Gunay Hilal Aygun claims that Erdoğan had a hard time convincing the EU.
EU to Wait Before Taking Action Lale Kemal argues that the government has so far failed to convince not only Turks but the world–including the EU–with its allegations of a “civilian coup.”
The Bleak Visit to Brussels Dogu Ergil points that despite Erdoğan’s promises and assurances, EU officials believe that there has been damage done to the rule of law and the separation of powers in Turkey.
Was Erdoğan Able to Persuade the EU? “Erdoğan’s assurances are nothing but tactical maneuvers,” writes Orhan Oguz Gurbuz.
Was Prime Minister Able to Convince the EU? “The prime minister failed to convince the EU; but it seems that he convinced himself by the overall mood he observed,” says Mumtazer Turkone.
Neither EU nor Turkish PM Wants Rupture in Relations, Expert Says Emre Gönen argues that neither the EU nor Turkey want a rupture in relations.
Geneva II Conference
Syria Torture Photos: Massacre or Sabotage Scheme? Asli Aydintasbas comments on the timing of the torture photos from Syria that were released the night before the Geneva Convention.
The Prospects of the Geneva II Conference Mustafa Aydin argues that although the Geneva meeting is the first face-to-face talk between the al-Assad regime and some opposition groups, “Syria will continue to be a bleeding wound in the Middle East for years to come.”
Turkey, Syria, and the “Terrorist State” “Is it not sad to hear Syria’s ‘illegitimate’ foreign minister accusing Turkey of ‘supporting and abetting’ terrorism?” Yusuf Kanlı asks.
Turkish Intelligence Service Trucks Reveal Secrets “Did trucks linked to Turkish Intelligence facilitate the smuggling of weapons to rebel forces in Syria?” Fehim Tastekin asks.
Turkey Seals Border Against al-Qaeda Fehim Tastekin reports that “Turkey has closed its gates after al-Qaeda captured three border crossings into northern Syria.”
The AKP’s Test With al-Qaeda Verda Özer argues that AKP is faced with a dangerous dilemma whereby it either criticizes al-Qaeda loudly or it becomes associated to the group.
Turkey Under Pressure Over Jihadists on Border “The recent terrorist bombing at the border and the acrimonious exchange between the Turkish and Syrian foreign ministers at Geneva II hints at the extent to which Turkey has become embroiled in the Syria conflict,” Semih Idiz writes.
Kurdish Question
My Real Role in Kurds’ Struggle For Freedom Abdullah Öcalan responds to the Guardian after it compared Mandela, Nehru, Aung Sang Suu Kyi, and him.
New Developments in Paris Killings Threaten to Derail PKK Peace Talks “The Kurdish peace process faces a new obstacle as leaked documents raise suspicions that Turkish intelligence was behind the slaying of three Kurdish activists in Paris,” Orhan Kemal Cengiz argues.
The Racialization of Kurdish Identity In Turkey Murat Ergin argues that Kurdish racialization is the result of an identity claimed by a group but denied by the state.
Commemorating Hrant Dink
On the Legacy of Dink, a Dove, an Enemy of the State Nanore Barsoumian’s speech during a memorial event hosted by the Friends of Hrant Dink at St. James Armenian Apostolic Church in Watertown, Massachusetts.
Meaningful Steps: A Roadmap for Turkey as 2015 Approaches Raffi Bedrosyan emphasizes the necessity to release the facts about 1915 Armenian Genocide to the Turkish people.
Other Pertinent Pieces
Human Rights Watch World Report 2014: Turkey HRW’s Turkey Report indicates that the AKP has demonstrated a growing intolerance for the political opposition, the public protests, and the critical media.
Emergency Care Criminalized in Turkey Tulin Daloglu argues that “Turkey has criminalized emergency care outside the hospital without government authorization.”
Mission Possible: Elevating Turkey’s Businesswomen Riada Asimovic Akyol writes that Turkey needs to instill more self-confidence in girls for women to make greater strides in Turkish society.
Central Asia’s Place in Turkey’s Foreign Policy Carlo Frappi’s article analyzes the evolution of Turkey’s Central Asia policy.
What to Make of Turkey’s Thinking about Missile Defense “In choosing a Chinese missile system, Ankara signaled its willingness to forego interoperability, in favor of independence,” Aaron Stein claims.
Graft Crisis
Devlet Benim (1)–(2) Ragıp Zarakolu analyses Turkey’s graft crisis, referring to Louis XIV of France and his famous phrase: “L’etat c’est moi” (I am the state).
Cevaplar bu değil Bekir Ağırdır argues that we should not exacerbate the graft crisis, which has now turned into a state crisis.
‘AKP-Cemaat çatışması’ndan ‘Rejim Sorunu’na Çengiz Çandar argues that the conflict between the AKP and the Gülen Community has triggered a regime crisis.
Bu bir devlet krizi An interview with Oktay Uygun on the juridical dimensions of the graft crisis.
Merhum Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Underlying that the Turkish Republic has never properly applied the separation of powers, Mehmet Altan argues that the graft crisis implies an abandonment of it.
Fethullah Gülen BBC’ye konuştu Güney Yıldız interviewed Fethullah Gülen for BBC Turkish.
Zoraki birlik Erol Katırcıoğlu regards the graft crisis as a crisis of the Turkish Republic’s forced unity.
Hastaneden bakınca Cemaat- iktidar kavgası Amberin Zaman argues that the destiny of Turkey is shaped by three men: Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Fethullah Gülen, and Abdullah Öcalan.
Ak Parti alarm veriyor! Cüneyt Özdemir writes that “the AKP gives the alarm.”
Yeni küresel bağlam ve siyasal İslam (1)–(2) Soli Özel writes on “the new global context and political Islam.”
Her ‘Şey’ Darbe Her ‘Şey’ Paralel Ergin Yıldızoğlu reflects upon some basic concepts such as tutelage, coup, and parallel state, which are widely used in Turkey.
Gülen cemaati parti kurar mı? (1)–(2)–(3) Ruşen Çakır asks whether the Gülen Community will establish a political party.
Krizden nasıl çıkılır ya da ne yapmalı (1)–(2)–(3) Elaborating on the so-called “Turkish model,” Ali Bayramoğlu presents his way of overcoming the graft crisis.
Çıkış yolu var mı? Hüseyn Gülerce asks whether there is a way out of the crisis.
Her şey gayet normal (1)–(2) Etyen Mahçupyan likens the both sides of conflict to “a truck with a failing break” and argues that “normal” is the last word that can be used for such a crisis.
Kamyon durdu mu? Mümtazer Türköne criticizes the way Mahçupyan deals with the situation and the crisis.
Erdoğan’s Brussels Visit
AK Parti’nin rotası (1)–(2) In Erdoğan’s airplane on the way back to Turkey, the most frequently asked question was “why have we not come to Brussels for five years,” writes Abdülkadir Selvi.
AK Parti’nin önündeki yol (1)–(2)–(3) Yalçın Akdoğan, Erdoğan’s chief political advisor, explains the route that their party will follow after the Brussels visit.
Brüksel sonrası (1)–(2) Murat Belge comments on Erdoğan’s Brussels visit.
Geneva II Conference
Suriye için kurulan ‘masa’… Mete Çubukçu comments on the Geneva II Conference.
Bayık: Cenevre ölü doğdu In a interview, Cemil Bayık, co-chair of the KCK Executive Council, argues that Geneva is born dead.
Rojava’nın demokratik karakterinden korktular “They are afraid of Rojava’s democratic character,” writes Hüseyin Ali.
Kurdish Question
Kürt-Türk barışı yerine Kürt-Türk savaşı mı Is there a Kurdish-Turkish war instead of a Kurdish-Turkish peace, Güney Aslan asks.
Rojava bölgeye model çıkarıyor Ceyda Karan argues that Rojava sets a model for the region.
Barışın Annesi olabilecek mi? Al Jazeera Türk interviews Hayriye Doğan, a member of the Peace Mothers.
Kürt ve Ermeni: Kendine gelme stratejileri Mücahit Bilici reflects upon the Dink murder and the Roboski (Uludere) massacre.
Cumhuriyet kurulurken Kürt meselesi: Asimilasyon – asayiş – medeniyet Mehmet Alkan provides a historical analysis of the Kurdish question.
Other Pertinent Pieces
Bir araştırmadan kesitler Nazan Üstündağ presents some aspects of their research on the forthcoming local elections.
‘Asıl soru: Neden bu kadar az direniş var’ An interview with Loic Wacquant after his talk in İstanbul on “Inequality in the City, Marginality, and Social Injustice.”
Wacquant’ın Hrant Dink Dersi ve Kent Kuramına Dair Düşündürdükleri An anonymous blogger’s response to Wacquant’s talk.
Gezi muhalefeti: Nedener, beklentiler Çağlar Keyder’s piece on the Gezi protests.
Beyaz Türkler…(1)–(2) Süleyman Seyfi Öğün reflects on “white Turkishness.”