MESOPOTAMIA NEWS Human Rights Foundation of Turkey – Documentation Center
Daily Human Rights Report AUGUST – SEPTEMBER 2020
August 2020 (12.-31.08.2020) 12 August 2020 Daily Human Rights Report (08/072) Operations and Attacks in Southeast… It is learned from the news coverage of August 11, 2020 that 1 militant died in a clash between Turkish Armed Forces units and HPG militants in Haftanin area of Iraqi Kurdistan Regional Government on August 8, 2020; and 2 militants died in an air operation of Turkish Armed Forces to the same area on August 9, 2020.
(08/073) Hunger Strike in Prison… It is learned from the news coverage of August 11, 2020 that, Cüneyt Gül, a prisoner in Isparta E Type Closed Prison who was subjected to physical violence of the wardens for rejecting to stand up during roll-calls and who was kept in a solitary cell as a result of disciplinary proceedings against him; and who went on a hunger strike on August 6, 2020 to protest right violations; ended his strike. It is stated in the news reports that lawyer Özgür Yakut who went to the prison to meet Cüneyt Gül was prevented by prison administration saying “You are giving information outside”. It is learned that Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Adana MP’s Tülay Hatimoğulları and Kemal Peköz submitted a parliamentary question addressing Minister of Justice Abdülhamit Gül, about physical violence and disciplinary penalties against Cüneyt Gül.
(08/074) Hunger Strike in Prison… It is learned from the news coverage of August 11, 2020 that, 4 prisoners (Mehmet Faruk Engin, Baver Başar, İbrahim Halil Karataş and Akar İkbal) who went on a hunger strike on July 6, 2020 to protest prevention of their right to medical treatment in Osmaniye T Type Closed Prison No 2, ended their strike after their demands were approved by prison administration.
(08/075) Police Intervention Against “I Want My Job Back” Protest in Ankara… The police intervened the press declarations of public labourers who had been dismissed by a state of emergency decree and have been struggling 1371 days to regain their jobs, in front of Human Rights Monument in Yüksel Street on August 11, 2020 at 13.30 and 18.00 and forced people away from the monument by using physical violence.
(08/076) Police Raid to Idil Cultural Center… Nuriye Gülmen and Rıdvan Akbaş, 2 of 6 people who were detained in the police raid to Idil Cultural Center in Okmeydanı neighbourhood of Istanbul on August 5, 2020; are arrested on August 11, 2020. 4 people (Yasemin Karadağ, Olcay Karadağ, Ezgi Kul, Fırat Kaya) are released on judicial control conditions.
(08/077) Detained People in Muş… On August 11, 2020, 5 people (Ali Gören, Nazif Özkan, Kerem Daşkıran, Şerafettin Balcı and one more person with unknown name) are detained in house raids in Malazgirt district of Muş. The reason of detention is unknown. (08/078) Detained Left Party Member in Denizli… It is learned that Ercan Çelik, a member of Left Party is detained in a house raid in Denizli on August 11, 2020, for his social media posts. (08/079) Co-Mayors on Trial in Mardin… The trial of the case against Nilüfer Elik Yılmaz, HDP co-mayor of Kızıltepe district; and Gülistan Öncü, HDP comayor of Savur district, is held at Mardin Heavy Penal Court No 2 on August 11, 2020. Nilüfer Elik Yılmaz and Gülistan Öncü joined the trial from prison via sound and vision system. After defence hearings the court decided to continue detention of Nilüfer Elik Yılmaz and Gülistan Öncü and adjourned the trial to October 20, 2020. Ministry of Interior appointed sub-governors as trustees to Kızıltepe (on November 4, 2019) and to Savur (November 16, 2019). Gülistan Öncü was detained on November 15, 2019 and was arrested on November 26, 2019. Nilüfer Elik Yılmaz was detained on December 12, 2019 and was arrested by the court on December 16, 2019. (08/080) HDP Executive on Trial in Istanbul… The trial of the case against Bülent Uyguner, a former member of HDP’s Party Assembly is held at Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 32 on August 11, 2020. Bülent Uyguner joined the trial from prison via sound and vision system. The court decided to continue detention of Bülent Uyguner and adjourned the trial to September 30, 2020. Bülent Uyguner was detained on November 26, 2019 and was arrested by the court on November 28, 2019. (08/081) Curfew in Bitlis… Bitlis Governorate made a declaration on August 11, 2020 and announced curfew in 36 villages of the central district as of 19.00 on August 11, 2020 until a further notice. Villages under curfew are: Yukarıbalcılar, Aşağıbalcılar, Üçevler, Başmaklı, Ilıcak, Oğulcak, Çeltikli, Kalupat, Karakuş, Aşağıkoçak, Aşağıyolak, Yukarıyolak, Yanönü, Beşkaynak, Dursun, Dikme, Aşağıdikme, Yukarıdikme, Uçankuş. Bayırlı, Kutlu, Akgün, Kınalı, Çobansuyu, Aşağıçobansuyu, Aşağıölek, Yukarıölek, Akçalı, İçgeçit, Doğruyol, Dereağzı, Çadırlı, Yolcular, Aşağıyuvacık, Yuvacık, Kavakdibi. (08/082) Detentions and Arrests in Alleged Link to Coup Attempt… On August 11, 2020, 34 military members on active duty are detained in operations covering 12 cities through an Istanbul based investigation and 6 people are detained in Ankara. (08/083) Covid-19 Pandemic… Ministry of Health declared that 15 people died due to Covid-19 pandemic and 1.183 new Covid-19 cases were diagnosed on August 11, 2020. The death toll from Covid-19 in Turkey increased to 5,873 and total number of confirmed cases is 243.180 as of August 11, 2020. It Is claimed in the news coverage of August 11, 2020 that a prisoner in Diyarbakır Women’s Closed Prison tested positive for Covid-19. Vestel Group of Companies made an announcement on August 11, 2020 on Covid-19 cases in the factory in Manisa, and declared that 2 workers died from Covid-19. On August 10, 2020, Manisa Women’s Assembly and Vestel factory workers held a press declaration and claimed that 7 workers died from Covid-19. 13 August 2020 Daily Human Rights Report (08/084) Operations and Attacks in Southeast… It is learned that 1 village guard (Mehmet Ali Taş) who got wounded in a clash within “Claw-Tiger” operation in Iraqi Kurdistan Regional Government on August 5, 2020, died in hospital on August 12, 2020. (08/085) Trans Women Subjected to Assault in Antalya… It is learned from the news coverage of August 12, 2020 that, a group of trans women were subjected to physical assault of an anonymous group in Teomanpaşa Street of Muratpaşa district of Antalya. (08/086) Torture and Ill-Treatment in Prison… Med Federation of Legal and Solidarity Associations of Prisoners’ Families (MED TUHAD-FED), Diyarbakır Solidarity Association of Prisoners’ Families (TUAY-DER) and Association of Lawyers for Freedom (ÖHD) shared their report on interviews with prisoners in Elazığ High Security Prison No 2, on August 12, 2020. According to the report, 2 prisoners (Ümran Cengiz and Burhan Renkli) were subjected to physical violence of the wardens on August 5, 2020; and they were put in solitary cells although they were injured. It is also stated in the report that prisoners were subjected to arbitrary disciplinary penalties, and they were prevented from receiving packages from outside, on the grounds of ‘no room in prison for them’. (08/087) Police Intervention to a Protest in Ankara… The police intervened the press declaration of Ankara Women’s Platform the protest the attempt to withdrawal of the government from Istanbul Convention, on August 12, 2020 in Ankara. 33 people including journalist Eylem Akdağ and lawyers are detained by the police using physical violence. Detained people are: Eylem Akdağ, Sevinç Hocaoğulları, Nebiye Merttürk, Buse Üçer, Aysun Gençtanır, Zeynep Tan, Aylin Kalp, Kardelen Demir, Emel Vural, Yağmur Alaz Gülveren, Gülçin Polat, Sena Bademli, Arzu Kurt, Sude Sivri, Gülbahar Gündüz, Beste Uymaz, Tuğba Koçer, Serap Kaplan, Meziyet Yıldız, Deniz Akıl, Sibel Göktaş, Zelalsu Değirmenci, Fatma Kılıçarslan. Detained people are released after statement procedures on the same day. (08/088) Police Intervention Against “I Want My Job Back” Protest in Ankara… The police intervened the press declarations of public labourers who had been dismissed by a state of emergency decree and have been struggling 1372 days to regain their jobs, in front of Human Rights Monument in Yüksel Street on August 12, 2020 at 13.30 and 18.00 and forced people away from the monument by using physical violence. (08/089) Ban of Access to News Reports… A news report on Artı Gerçek website published on July 27, 2020 is banned to access by Batman Penal Court of Peace No 1 on August 11, 2020. News reports on purchase of a property of Saving Deposit Insurance Fund (TMSF) by a school fellow of Bilal Erdoğan, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s son; which were published on August 6, 2020 on,,,, and websites are banned to access by Istanbul Anadolu Penal Court of Peace No 3 on August 11, 2020. (08/090) Labour Killings… Worker Health and Worker Safety Council (ISIG) revealed that at least 164 workers including 7 children and 3 women died while working in July 2020. It is stated in the report that 1098 workers died in labour killings the first 7 months of 2020. (08/091) Covid-19 Pandemic… Ministry of Health declared that 18 people died due to Covid-19 pandemic and 1.212 new Covid-19 cases were diagnosed on August 12, 2020. The death toll from Covid-19 in Turkey increased to 5,891 and total number of confirmed cases is 244.392 as of August 12, 2020. 14 August 2020 Daily Human Rights Report (08/092) Operations and Attacks in Southeast… It is learned from the news coverage of August 13, 2020 that 2 militants died in a clash between security forces and HPG militants in rural areas of Çukurca district of Hakkari on July 26, 2020; 2 HPG militants died in an air operation of Turkish Armed Forces to rural areas of Çatak district of Van on August 11, 2020; and 1 HPG militant died in an air operation of Turkish Armed Forces to northern Iraq on August 11, 2020. (08/093) Person Set Himself on Fire for Protest in Bursa… It is learned from the news coverage of August 13, 2020 that, a person named Fikret Güven set himself on fire in front of Bursa Governorate to protest cancellation of his licence of kiosk by Bursa Municipality. It is reported that Fikret Güven was hospitalized due to burns. (08/094) Police Intervention to a Protest in Istanbul… The police intervened the press declaration in front of building of Yeni Akit newspaper in Küçükçekmece district of Istanbul on August 13, 2020, organized by Women’s Liberation members demanding effective implementation of Istanbul Convention against violence against women and domestic violence; and detained 4 people by using physical violence. Detained people are: Yıldız İdil, Burcugül Çubuk, Başak Yeşilot and Seher Beytaş. (08/095) Detained People in Ankara and Düzce… On August 13, 2020, participators of “I Want My Job Back” protests in Yüksel Street, Ankara are detained in house raids. 6 people (Nazan Bozkurt, Gülnaz Bozkurt, Acun Karadağ, Mahmut Konuk, Mehmet Dersulu and Armağan Özbaş) are detained in house raids in Ankara, and Alev Şahin is detained in Düzce. The reason of detention is unknown. (08/096) Detained People in Mersin… It is learned from the news coverage of August 13, 2020 that 4 people are detained in house raids in Mersin, on the grounds of ‘being an illegal organisation member’ and ‘making propaganda for an illegal organisation’. The names of detained people are unknown. (08/097) Detained People in Bursa… It is learned that 5 people are detained for social media posts, in house raids in Osmangazi, Gemlik, Nilüfer and İnegöl districts of Bursa on August 13, 2020. Detained people are: Aziz Amak, İbrahim Tekeş, Onur Demir, Serkan Savgan and İbrahim Gezer. (08/098) Detained Person in Diyarbakır… It is learned that 1 person (Seyfettin Kardaş) is detained in a house raid in Bağlar district of Diyarbakır on August 13, 2020. (08/099) Detained People in Hakkari… It is learned from the news coverage of August 13, 2020 that, a traffic police officer who wanted to write a ticket to Sabri Erkaya, a local minibus driver; which then caused a quarrel, fired his gun up into the air and detained 6 people who reacted against him, along with driver Sabri Erkaya. (08/100) Association Chair and Others on Trial in Adıyaman… The first trial of the case against 5 people (Peoples’ Democratic Party’s former executives Abuzer Küçükkelepçe and Rıza Acıpayam, Education and Science Workers’ Union executive Ayşegül Yücetaş, Democratic Alevi Association Adıyaman Branch chair Celal Demirci and Ebru Güngör) for being delegates of Democratic Society Congress (DTK), is held at Adıyaman Heavy Penal Court No 2 on August 13, 2020. The court sentenced Celal Demirci, Ayşegül Yücetaş and Rıza Acıpayam to 6 years and 3 months each, and Abuzer Küçükkelepçe to 6 years and 10 months for ‘being an illegal organisation member’, and acquitted Ebru Güngör. 5 people were detained on June 5, 2020 and 4 of them were arrested on June 10, 2020 while Ebru Güngör was released on judicial control conditions. (08/101) HDP Executive on Trial in Van… The trial of the case against Yadişen Karabulak, HDP’s former provincial co-chair in Van, is held at Van Heavy Penal Court No 7 on August 13, 2020. Yadişen Karabulak joined the trial via sound and vision system from prison. After defence hearings the court decided to continue detention of Yadişen Karabulak and adjourned the trial. Yadişen Karabulak was detained with 11 others on September 10, 2019; and was arrested on September 13, 2019. She was released on judicial control conditions by the court at the first trial held on February 10, 2020; but was arrested once again upon prosecutor’s appeal, on February 13, 2020. (08/102) Indictment Against a Person for Threatening CHP Chair… It is learned from the news coverage of August 13, 2020 that, Istanbul Anadolu Public Prosecutor’s Office prepared an indictment against Mehmet Emin G., demanding jail sentence up to 6 years on the charge of ‘threat with the use of weapon to incite fear and panic among public’. It is stated in the indictment that, Mehmet Emin G. shared a photo on social media which depict a jar of bullets and threatened Republican People’s Party (CHP) chair Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, group deputy chair Özgür Özel and Istanbul provincial chair Canan Kaftancıoğlu by this photo. (08/103) Broadcast Ban for TV and Radio Channels… On August 13, 2020, the Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK) issued KRT TV channel with administrative fine, for criticisms of Serdar Savaş about school openings during Covid-19 pandemic on a programme on June 19, 2020. On August 13, 2020, the Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK) issued Radio Harman channel with administrative fine and a ban on broadcast, for criticisms of HDP’s group deputy chair Saruhan Oluç about Turkey’s policy on Syria on a programme. (08/104) Ban of Access to Websites… Jinnews news agency website and Ozguruz Radio channel website are banned to access by Information and Communication Technologies Authority (BTK) on August 13, 2020. (08/105) Ban of Events in Muş… Muş Governorate made a declaration on August 13, 2020 and announced that, demonstrations, press declarations, open-door meetings, protests, concerts, festivals, meetings, opening tents and stands, hunger strikes, commemorations, delivering leaflets, hanging banners and so on are banned for 15 days as of August 16, 2020. (08/106) Detentions and Arrests in Alleged Link to Coup Attempt… On August 13, 2020 7 people are detained in Ankara. (08/107) Covid-19 Pandemic… Ministry of Health declared that 21 people died due to Covid-19 pandemic and 1.243 new Covid-19 cases were diagnosed on August 13, 2020. The death toll from Covid-19 in Turkey increased to 5,912 and total number of confirmed cases is 245.635 as of August 13, 2020. 15 – 17 August 2020 Daily Human Rights Report (08/108) Operations and Attacks in Southeast… It is learned from the news coverage of August 16, 2020 that, 2 HPG militants died in an air operation of Turkish Armed Forces to rural areas of Şırnak on August 1, 2020. (08/109) Person Subjected to Police Violence in Diyarbakır… It is learned from the news coverage of August 14, 2020 that, a person named Süleyman Arıkan was subjected to physical violence of the police raiding his house in Bağlar district of Diyarbakır. It is reported that, the police threatened Süleyman Arıkan to prevent him from making a criminal complaint, after the police found out that they have raided the wrong residence. It is also stated in the news reports that Süleyman Arıkan went to a police station to make criminal complaint however his complaint was not put in process. Süleyman Arıkan states the following: “I did not understand who they were first, I understood that they were police officers when they came in. They asked me about some names, I told them I did not know. They took me out to the terrace of my house. Made me lay down on the ground and insulted me. (…) I told them that they were wrong. They cursed me, insulted me. And hit my back with gunstocks as if it was not enough. 5 of them started to hit my back while I was on the ground. I asked them what I was charged with, they said ‘do not talk!’ and kept insulting me. They hit me more when I rejected them. (…) After an hour they found out that they were in the wrong house. They said ‘we are looking for someone’. I told them this was not my address that they look for. Although they understood that, they kept pressurizing on me. They threatened me when I told them I was going to make criminal complaint against them.” (08/110) Death Fast in Prison… It is learned that Constitutional Court rejected the appeal for release of lawyers Ebru Timtik and Aytaç Ünsal who are on death fast to demand a fair trial on August 14, 2020. The Institution of Forensic Medicine has given a report which states health conditions of Ebru Timtik (on 228th day of fast in Silivri Prison No 9) and Aytaç Ünsal (197th day of fast in Burhaniye T Type Prison) are not available to be kept in prison. (08/111) Hunger Strike in Prison… It is learned from the news coverage of August 15, 2020 that, the hunger strike of 6 prisoners demanding to be put in other cells since they were put in solitary cells with wire nets on open-air areas, and which was then supported by other prisoners in groups of 4, in Tekirdağ F Type Prison No 2, ended after prison administration approves demands of prisoners. (08/112) Detained Journalist in Muğla… Journalist Hakan Aygün is detained in Datça district of Muğla on August 16, 2020, on the grounds that he did not give his official statement through an investigation against him. Hakan Aygün is released after statement procedures at the prosecutor’s office on the same day. (08/113) Arrested Co-Mayor in Diyarbakır… İbrahim Çiçek, who was elected as co-mayor from Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) in Yenişehir district of Diyarbakır and who was not given his certificate of election for being dismissed from his job by a state of emergency decree, is detained in Diyarbakır on August 14, 2020. İbrahim Çiçek is arrested by the court on the charge of ‘being an illegal organisation member’ on the same day. (08/114) Detained Human Rights Defender and Others in Hakkari… On August 14, 2020, 9 people inducing Pınar Yılmaz, executive board member of Human Rights Association (IHD) Hakkari branch are detained in house raids in Yüksekova and Şemdinli districts of Hakkari, through an investigation against Democratic Society Congress (DTK). (08/115) Detained Union Members and Executive in Antalya… Derya Yulcu, women’s secretary of Education and Science Workers’ Union (Eğitim-Sen) and 2 members of union (Selman Karasu and Saim Atılgan) are detained through a Muş based investigation, in Antalya on August 16, 2020. (08/116) Detained People in Diyarbakır… 6 people (Agit Nakçi, Abdullah Arşiment, Veysi Solmaz, Doğan Tuncer, Fırat Aslanlı and Amed Ezer) who were detained in house raids in Silvan district of Diyarbakır on August 14, 2020 are released after statement procedures at the police on August 16, 2020. (08/117) Detained HDP Executive and Others in Şırnak… On August 15, 2020, 14 people including HDP’s Silopi district executive Delil Ürek, are detained in house raids in Beytüşşebap, İdil, Cizre and Silopi districts of Şırnak. Names of detained people learned so far are: Delil Ürek, Ramazan Cin, Ali Ül, İhsan Olgar, Sabri Ormanlı, İlam Kurtay. (08/118) Detained HDP Executive in Aydın… On August 15, 2020, Tekin Erikli, HDP’s district co-chair is detained on the grounds of social media posts, in a house raid in Ortaklar district of Aydın. It is claimed in the news reports that the police pulled a gun to head of Tekin Erikli’s 12-year-old child during house raid and threatened the people in the house. Tekin Erikli is released by the court on judicial control conditions on August 16, 2020. (08/119) Detained HDP Executive and Others in Muş… On August 15, 2020, 17 people including Abdulbari Yiğit, HDP’s provincial co-chair are detained in house raids in districts of Muş. Names of detained people learned so far are: Abdulbari Yiğit, Tekin Özcan, Gülay Bingöl and Kasım Gölbaşı. (08/120) Detained People in Siirt… On August 16, 2020, 16 people are detained in house raids in Siirt. Names of detained people learned so far are: Adalet Özer, Nevzat Elçi, Mahsun Polat, Mehmet Şefik Bilenç, Müşerif Dalkılıç, Sait Özbay, Kemal Cengiz, M. Şirin Altan, Şevket Dalkılıç, Şefik Bilen. The reason of detention is unknown. (08/121) Detained HDP Executive in Istanbul… On August 14, 2020, Kemal Kaplan, HDP’s district executive in Esenyurt district of Istanbul is detained in a house raid, on the grounds of a complaint against him. (08/122) Detained Person in Mardin… On August 14, 2020, 1 person (M. Y.) is detained in a house raid in Derik district of Mardin. The reason of detention is unknown. (08/123) Detained People in Adana… On August 14, 2020, 4 people are detained by gendarmerie in house raids in Adana. The reason of detention and names of detained people who were taken to Adana Gendarmerie Command, are unknown. (08/124) Detained People in Adana… 6 people including 3 children including HDP Party Assembly and Youth Assembly members who were detained in house raids in Adana on August 7, 2020, are released by the court on judicial control conditions on August 15, 2020. 4 people (Ferhat Kalkan, Serdal Aslan, Hasan Aslan and İbrahim Önen) are released on house confinement. 3 people (Muhittin Kaya, Şükran and Faruk Efetürk) who were also detained thorugh the same investigation were released after statement procedures at the police on August 7, 2020. (08/125) Detained People in Bursa for Social Media Posts… Aziz Amak, 1 of 5 people who were detained in Bursa on August 13, 2020, on the grounds of social media posts, is arrested by the court on August 15, 2020. 4 people (İbrahim Tekeş, Onur Demir, Serkan Savgan and İbrahim Gezer) are released. (08/126) Juridical Proceedings for Social Media Posts… Ministry of Interior made a declaration on August 14, 2020 and declared that 14,186 social media accounts have been examined since January 1, 2020; and juridical proceedings have been initiated against 6,743 social media user on the grounds of “making propaganda for terrorist organisations, provoking hatred and hostility among public, insulting public, inciting fear and panic among public, aiming operations on perceptions and provocative posts”. (08/127) Ban of Event in Muş… It is learned that the youth gathering of HDP Youth Assembly which was to be held at Kale Park in Malazgirt district on August 16, 2020, was prevented by Malazgirt Sub-governorate on August 14, 2020, on the grounds of Muş Governorate’s ban on events all over the city. It is reported that the event was held at HDP’s district office. (08/128) Ban of Events in Tunceli and Antep… Tunceli Governorate made a declaration on August 14, 2020 and announced that, demonstrations, press declarations, open-door meetings, protests, concerts, festivals, meetings, opening tents and stands, hunger strikes, commemorations, delivering leaflets, hanging banners and so on are banned for 15 days as of August 15, 2020. Antep Governorate made a declaration on August 145 2020 and announced that, demonstrations, press declarations, open-door meetings, protests, concerts, festivals, meetings, opening tents and stands, hunger strikes, commemorations, delivering leaflets, hanging banners and so on are banned for 15 days as of August 15, 2020. (08/129) Ban of Access to Web Contents… It is learned that news reports on,, about Cooperative Agricultural and Credit Associations are banned to access by Ankara Penal Court of Peace No 8 on August 14, 2020. (08/130) Detentions and Arrests in Alleged Link to Coup Attempt… 12 of 37 military members on active duty who were detained through an Istanbul based investigation on August 11, 2020, are arrested by the court on August 14, 2020. 25 people are released provided that 20 of them will be on judicial control conditions. (08/131) Covid-19 Pandemic… Ministry of Health declared that 22 people died due to Covid-19 pandemic and 1.226 new Covid-19 cases were diagnosed on August 14, 2020. Ministry of Health declared that 21 people died due to Covid-19 pandemic and 1.256 new Covid-19 cases were diagnosed on August 15, 2020. Ministry of Health declared that 19 people died due to Covid-19 pandemic and 1.192 new Covid-19 cases were diagnosed on August 16, 2020. The death toll from Covid-19 in Turkey increased to 5,974 and total number of confirmed cases is 249.309 as of August 16, 2020. It is learned that a doctor in Viranşehir district of Urfa died from Covid-19 on August 15, 2020. It is learned from the news coverage of August 16, 2020 that, a prisoner in Bitlis E Type Prison tested positive for Covid-19. 18 August 2020 Daily Human Rights Report (08/132) Syrian Person Died in Racist Assault in Istanbul… It is learned that, 6 Syrian citizens were subjected to verbal assault of an anonymous person who then opened fire against them in Zeytinburnu district of Istanbul on August 17, 2020. It is reported that Abdulkadir Davud (21) died due to fire opened. Ahmet Uzun, a witness, stated the following: “We went to the bus station to go home. (…) A man that we do not know started to curse us from his window. We asked ‘Why are cursing us, what did we do to you?’. He said ‘F..k off Syrians’, he swore very badly. We did not swear at him. (…) Then he went into his house. His wife came to the balcony and she said ‘run away, he is drunk, he went to get his gun’. We started to run away. I heard three times of gunfire. Two of them hit Abdulkadir, one fell down. When we get back to there, we found the boy in blood”. (08/133) Operations and Attacks in Southeast… It is learned that 1 village guard died in a clash between security forces and HPG militants in Çaldıran district of Van on August 17, 2020. It is learned from the news coverage of August 17, 2020 that, 1 militant died in a clash between Turkish Armed Forces units and HPG militants in Haftanin area of Iraqi Kurdistan Regional Government on July 23, 2020. (08/134) Detained Person for Social Media Posts in Diyarbakır… 1 person (Seyfettin Kardaş) who was detained for social media posts, in Diyarbakır on August 13, 2020 is released on August 17, 2020. (08/135) Detained Human Rights Defender and Others in Hakkari… 12 of 13 people including Pınar Yılmaz, executive board member of Human Rights Association (IHD) Hakkari branch, who were detained on August 14, 2020, in house raids in Yüksekova and Şemdinli districts of Hakkari, through an investigation against Democratic Society Congress (DTK); are arrested by the court on August 17, 2020. 1 person is released. Arrested people are: Pınar Yılmaz, Şükrü Çallı, Nihat Turgut, Ramazan Erik, Mehmet Emin Seven, Ömer Faruk Tekin, Mesut Kıratlı, Reşît Güneç, Mehmet Çapraz, Ümit Duman, Felem Aker, Musa Bor. (08/136) Detained HDP Executive and Others in Şırnak… 5 of 11 people including HDP’s Silopi district executive Delil Ürek, who were detained in house raids in Beytüşşebap, İdil, Cizre and Silopi districts of Şırnak on August 15, 2020, are arrested by the court on August 17, 2020. Arrested people are: Delil Ürek, M. Emin Nart, Hacı Bağata, Mesut Yağarcık, Özgür Yıldız. 6 people are released provided that 2 of them will be on judicial control conditions. (08/137) Detained People in Siirt… 16 people who were detained in house raids in Siirt on August 16, 2020 are released by the court on August 17, 2020. Some of the detained people were: Adalet Özer, Nevzat Elçi, Mahsun Polat, Mehmet Şefik Bilenç, Müşerif Dalkılıç, Sait Özbay, Kemal Cengiz, M. Şirin Altan, Şevket Dalkılıç, Şefik Bilen. (08/138) LGBTIQ+ Person Subjected to Discrimination by a Hospital Doctor in Istanbul… It is learned from the news coverage of August 17, 2020 that, a person named M. P. who applied to emergency service of Taksim Research and Training Hospital in Beyoğlu district of Istanbul on August 15, 2020, was subjected to discrimination of the doctor on duty and was not medically treated because of being an LGBTIQ+ person. M. P. stated the following on discrimination: “The doctor on emergency service duty started to talk in a nervous manner. The doctor stood up and started to yell me saying ‘dude’. He made a hand signal saying ‘go away’ and tried to throw the bottle of disinfectant on the table. Security officers have not intervened until that point. Then the doctor said ‘I will not treat you f.g’ and took the bottle of disinfectant, and said ‘throw him away’ to the security officers. (…) I told the security officers that I was not going to leave the hospital without being treated. And demanded another doctor to see me, and they said ‘there is no doctor here to treat you’.” (08/139) Covid-19 Pandemic… Ministry of Health declared that 22 people died due to Covid-19 pandemic and 1.233 new Covid-19 cases were diagnosed on August 17, 2020. The death toll from Covid-19 in Turkey increased to 5,996 and total number of confirmed cases is 250.542 as of August 17, 2020. 19 August 2020 Daily Human Rights Report (08/140) Child Subjected to Sexual Assault by a Soldier in Batman… It is learned that 17-year-old girl İ. E. who was subjected to sexual assault of specialised sergeant M. O. and who attempted to suicide on July 16, 2020; died in hospital on August 18, 2020. Specialised sergeant M. O. was detained on July 16, 2020 in Siirt and was released by the court on judicial control conditions on July 17, 2020. The indictment of Siirt Public Prosecutor’s Office against M. O., was returned by Siirt Heavy Penal Court on the grounds of missing witness statements. It is learned that the prosecutor’s office appealed to the court’s decision, and M. O. is arrested upon the warrant issued by the court. (08/141) Person Subjected to Police Violence in Ankara… It is learned from the news coverage of August 18, 2020 that a quarrel took place between traffic police officers and a driver they stopped, and the police committed physical violence to the driver. (08/142) Suruç Massacre Case… The trial of the case on Urfa Heavy Penal Court No 5, for the massacre in Suruç where 33 people died on July 20, 2015, continued to be held on August 18, 2020. The court rejected to hear Ahmet Davutoğlu, Prime Minister back then, as a witness; and to consolidate the investigation against Abdullah Ömer Aslan, an imam who was heard as witness, with the case file, and adjourned the trial to November 16, 2020. (08/143) Penalty Fine to HDP Executive… It is learned from the news coverage of August 18, 2020 that, Mehmet Akat, district co-chair of Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) in Saruhanlı district of Manisa, is given a penalty fine of 1000 Turkish Liras by Silivri Sub-Governorate in Istanbul, on the grounds of violating Article 282 of Public Health Law for participating in the march from Silivri to Edirne as a part of HPD’s “Democracy Against Coup March” on June 15, 2020. Mehmet Akat and 9 other people were detained for they rejected the police officers asking for their identity cards to check at a rest stop in Silivri, and they were released afterwards. (08/144) Ban of Access to Web Contents… It is learned that news reports on Hulusi Akar, Minister of National Defence, published on,, websites are banned to access by Istanbul Anadolu Penal Court of Peace No 4 on August 17, 2020. It is learned that the reason of ban is violation of personal rights. (08/145) Detentions and Arrests in Alleged Link to Coup Attempt… On August 18, 2020, 41 people are detained in operations covering 40 cities through an Izmir based investigation against Turkish Armed Forces personnel; 30 people are detained in operations covering 16 cities through an Istanbul based investigation against Turkish Armed Forces personnel; and 18 people are detained in operations covering 14 cities through an Ankara based investigation against Turkish Air Force. 13 people who were detained in Ayvacık district of Çanakkale, in alleged attempt to illegally flee abroad, are arrested by the court on August 18, 2020. (08/146) Covid-19 Pandemic… Ministry of Health declared that 20 people died due to Covid-19 pandemic and 1,263 new Covid-19 cases were diagnosed on August 18, 2020. The death toll from Covid-19 in Turkey increased to 6,016 and total number of confirmed cases is 251,805 as of August 18, 2020. 20 August 2020 Daily Human Rights Report (08/147) People Subjected to Police Violence in Istanbul… It is learned that 2 women were subjected to verbal and physical violence of the police in Kadıköy district of Istanbul on August 19, 2020; on the grounds of not wearing face masks. It is learned that 2 women who were handcuffed behind their backs and detained are released after statement procedures on the same day. Istanbul Governorate declared that 2 police officers are suspended through the investigation on the case. (08/148) Person Threatened by Police in Ağrı… It is learned from the news coverage of August 19, 2020 that, Muhammet İlhan, Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Youth Assembly member in Ağrı, was called by unknown people who claim themselves to be police officers on August 12, 2020; and was threatened by the police at Doğubayazıt District Security Directorate where he went afterwards. It is stated in the news reports that Muhammet İlhan was threatened once again at city centre on August 14, 2020. Muhammet İlhan states the following: “They asked me questions about my future. They asked questions about HDP Headquarters employees. Then I was threatened by my family. They told me the workplaces of my sister and father. They told me that if anything spoken here would leak out, it would have results in my family’s jobs.” (08/149) Police Interventions Against Protests in Batman and Istanbul… The police prevented the press declaration to be held by HDP on August 19, 2020 in Batman, about 17-year-old girl İ. K. who were subjected to sexual assault of a specialised sergeant named M. O., and who lost her life in hospital after committing suicide on July 16, 2020. 4 people are detained after the press declaration of Women’s Liberation group for the same cause, at Taksim Square of Istanbul on August 20, 2020. Detained 4 people (Başak Yeşilot, Gamze Taşçı, Berivan Kurt and Burcugül Çubuk) are released after statement procedures on the same day. (08/150) Detained City Council Member and Others in Siirt… On August 19, 2020, 5 people including 2 members of city council from HDP, are detained in house raids in Siirt. The reason of detention is unknown. Detained people are: city council members Hatice Tay and Sabri Basut; Faik Taş, Hayrettin Batur, İdris İlhan. (08/151) Ban of Events in Şırnak… Şırnak Governorate made a declaration on August 19, 2020 and announced that, demonstrations, press declarations, open-door meetings, protests, concerts, festivals, meetings, opening tents and stands, hunger strikes, commemorations, delivering leaflets, hanging banners and so on are banned for 15 days as of August 19, 2020. (08/152) Administrative Fine for TV Channels… On August 19, 2020, the Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTUK) issued TLC television channel with administrative fine, on the grounds that “it demonstrates homosexual relationships as a model” in the show “My Extraordinary Pregnancy”. It is also learned that TELE1 television channel was issued with fine for the movie “Mr. Brooks”, TV8 television channel was issued with fine for the programme “Survivor 2020” and Akit TV channel was issued with fine for the expressions about RTUK stated by the host of a programme. (08/153) Detentions and Arrests in Alleged Link to Coup Attempt… 1 person who was detained in Adana is arrested by the court on August 19, 2020. (08/154) Covid-19 Pandemic… Ministry of Health declared that 23 people died due to Covid-19 pandemic and 1,303 new Covid-19 cases were diagnosed on August 19, 2020. The death toll from Covid-19 in Turkey increased to 6,039 and total number of confirmed cases is 253,108 as of August 19, 2020. 21 August 2020 Daily Human Rights Report (08/155) People Subjected to Physical Violence of Gendarmerie in Van… It is learned from the news coverage of August 20, 2020 that, Hayrettin Yücel, who was grazing his sheep in Beydoğan rural neighbourhood of Çaldıran district of Van, and his 15-year-old child were subjected to physical violence of gendarmerie on August 18, 2020. It is stated in the news reports that 2 people were not given a medical report at the hospital that they were taken to, and they were threatened for not to make official complaint. (08/156) Journalist Assaulted in Bursa… Şaban Önen, grant holder of Karacabey Yörem local newspaper in Bursa, was assaulted by 4 people on August 20, 2020. It is learned that Şaban Önen got injured at face. It is stated in the news reports that, the reason of the assault was news reports on Şaban Önen’s newspaper, about Ali Özkan, Karacabey district mayor from Justice and Development Party (AKP). (08/157) Torture and Ill-Treatment in Prison… It is learned from the news coverage of August 20, 2020 that, 40 prisoners are kept in a ward for 25 people in Çorum L Type Prison; and prisoners are given hot water only 5 hours a week while the food given to prisoners was inadequate and non-hygienic. (08/158) People Subjected to Penalty Fine in Adana… It is learned from the news coverage of August 20, 2020 that, 32 people in Adana are subjected to penalty fine of 1,080 Turkish Liras each, which makes a total of 37,760 Turkish Liras, on the grounds of violating Article 282 of Public Health Law, for they participated in the press declaration and distribution of leaflets which were conducted by youth organisations on June 30 and July 3, 2020. (08/159) Banners Removed by Police in Istanbul… It is learned from the news coverage of August 19, 2020 that, informational banners about Istanbul Canal Project which were hanged at bridges by Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality were removed by the police at midnight. The reason of removal is unknown. (08/160) Covid-19 Pandemic… Ministry of Health declared that 19 people died due to Covid-19 pandemic and 1,412 new Covid-19 cases were diagnosed on August 20, 2020. The death toll from Covid-19 in Turkey increased to 6,058 and total number of confirmed cases is 254,520 as of August 20, 2020. It is learned from the news coverage of August 21, 2020 that, 15 prisoners in Bitlis E Type Prison tested positive for Covid-19. It is also stated in the news reports that prisoners who tested positive for Covid-19 were kept together with those who tested negative; and 2 prisoners in worsening conditions were hospitalized. 22 – 24 August 2020 Daily Human Rights Report (08/161) Operations and Attacks in Southeast… It is learned from the news coverage of August 22, 2020 that, 2 militants died in a clash between security forces and HPG militants in rural areas of Şirvan district of Siirt on July 23, 2020; 3 HPG militants died in an air operation of Turkish Armed Forces to rural areas of Bitlis on August 11, 2020; and 1 militant died in a clash between security forces and HPF militants in Beytüşşebap district of Şırnak on August 17, 2020. (08/162) Person Abducted in Ankara… It is learned from the news coverage of August 21, 2020 that, Burcu Durak, member of Socialist Party of the Oppressed (ESP) and Ankara provincial spokesperson of Socialist Women’s Assembly (SKM) is abducted by people claim themselves to be police officers, on August 19, 2020 in Ankara. Burcu Durak made a press declaration at Human Rights Association (IHD) headquarters in Ankara and stated the following: “Several female undercover police officers came to me while I was leaving my workplace. I told them I did not want to talk to them. They said ‘It does not matter what you think’. Male undercover officers came around and forced me to get in a car. The police officers said ‘We will help you to be appointed as a public officer if you do what we say’. I asked, ‘you are public officers too, how could you help?’; and they responded ‘we are the state’. They forced me to be a police informant. They threatened me with my family. And they said they would arrest me if I participate in protests. They also asked me why I participated in the protest about Istanbul Convention. They kept me in the car on the move for about 40 minutes. Then they left me on a wayside after travelling in some desolated areas that I do not know.” (08/163) Person Subjected to Physical Violence of Watchmen in Adana… It is learned that a person named Mehmet Çelik was subjected to physical violence of the watchmen in Adana. It is reported that Mehmet Çelik was injured at his arm and feet due to violence. It is learned that Mehmet Çelik was detained and was released after being fined on the same day. It is stated in the news reports that Mehmet Çelik’s brother who reacted against detention of him was also detained and released after being fined. It is reported that Mehmet Çelik got a medical report evidencing the violence and will make a criminal complaint against officers on duty. Mehmet Çelik states the following: “I was sitting in front of my house while watchmen came around and asked for my identity card. I said, ‘I am in front of my house, why are you asking for my ID? Do you have a permit for this? You are not authorised for this, this is unlawful’ and did not give my ID card to them. They started to yell at me, saying ‘We are watchmen, you have to give your ID card’. I told them again that I would not do so, and said them to call the police if they need to see my ID card. (…) They hit me with clubs and wood planks, they kicked me.” (08/164) Person Subjected to Physical Violence of Municipal Police in Istanbul… It is learned that, Arif Gülmez, a street seller in Kadıköy district of Istanbul was subjected to physical violence of municipal police officers of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality. It is reported that Arif Gülmez was injured due to physical violence and made a criminal complaint against officers on duty. (08/165) People Subjected to Police Violence in Istanbul… On August 19,2020, 2 women were subjected to verbal and physical violence of the police in Kadıköy district of Istanbul on August 19, 2020; on the grounds of not wearing face masks. Rana Batı, one of these women, stated the following about police violence: “I was smoking so I removed my mask to my chin level. There are many people around without face masks. The police officer who stopped me did not wear a face mask. They got nervous when I said ‘You do not have face masks’ and both of the police officers wore their masks after I said so. Then they gave a penalty fine to me. When I reacted against this, one of them tried to detain me. First he held my arms behind my back and tried to lay me down. He was kicking my legs to make me fall. I could not breathe when I fell down on the ground. He was pushing me to the ground although I said ‘Okay, stop, I will come to the police station’. People around me intervened them. I never cursed to the police officers.” Istanbul Governorate has declared that 2 police officers were suspended through the investigation. It is learned from the news coverage of August 21, 2020 that 2 police officers were given back to duty. (08/166) Detained People in Ankara and Düzce… On August 13, 2020, 7 people, participators of “I Want My Job Back” protests in Yüksel Street, Ankara have been detained in house raids in Ankara and Düzce. 6 people (Nazan Bozkurt, Acun Karadağ, Mahmut Konuk, Mehmet Dersulu, Armağan Özbaş and Alev Şahin) are arrested by the court on the charge of ‘being an illegal organisation member’, and 1 person (Gülnaz Bozkurt) is released on judicial control conditions on August 22, 2020. (08/167) Detained Journalist in Kocaeli… Erkan Akkuş, former news editor and news anchor of Bugün TV channel is detained in Izmit district of Kocaeli, on August 22, 2020. It is learned that Erkan Akkuş was taken to Istanbul. (08/168) Detained Union Members and Executive… Derya Yulcu, women’s secretary of Education and Science Workers’ Union (Eğitim-Sen) and 2 members of union (Selman Karasu and Saim Atılgan) who were detained through a Muş based investigation on August 15, 2020, are referred to the court on August 21, 2020. Derya Yulcu and Saim Atılgan are arrested by the court, Selman Karasu is released on judicial control conditions. The reason of arrest is unknown. (08/169) Detained City Council Member and Others in Siirt… 8 people including 2 members of city council from Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP), who were detained in house raids in Siirt on August 19, 2020 are arrested by the court on the charge of ‘being an illegal organisation member’ on August 22, 2020. Arrested people are: city council members Hatice Tay and Sabri Basut; Bahri Beştaş, Fayık Taş, Hayrettin Batur, İdris İlhan, Medeni Aydın and Zeki Erdemci. (08/170) Detentions and Arrests in Alleged Link to Coup Attempt… 36 of 47 people including military members on active duty who were detained through an Izmir based investigation against Turkish Armed Forces personnel, are arrested by the court on August 22, 2020. 11 people are released provided that 1 of them will be on judicial control conditions. (08/171) Covid-19 Pandemic… Ministry of Health declared that 22 people died due to Covid-19 pandemic and 1,203 new Covid-19 cases were diagnosed on August 21, 2020. Ministry of Health declared that 22 people died due to Covid-19 pandemic and 1,309 new Covid-19 cases were diagnosed on August 22, 2020. Ministry of Health declared that 19 people died due to Covid-19 pandemic and 1,217 new Covid-19 cases were diagnosed on August 23, 2020. The death toll from Covid-19 in Turkey increased to 6,121 and total number of confirmed cases is 258,249 as of August 23, 2020. 25 August 2020 Daily Human Rights Report (08/172) Person Died Due to Armed Assault in Şırnak… It is learned that a person named Hasan Gün, died due to an armed assault of anonymous persons in rural areas of Koçaklı village in Kumçatı town of Şırnak on August 24, 2020. It is reported that Hasan Gün’s body is taken to Şırnak Public Hospital for autopsy. (08/173) Person Subjected to Physical Violence of Watchmen and Police in Diyarbakır… It is learned from the news coverage of August 24, 2020 that a person in Bağlar district of Diyarbakır whose name is unknown, was subjected to physical violence of watchmen and police. It is stated in the news reports that watchmen wanted to detain this person and made him lay down on his face, kneeling on his neck and the police kicked him at his face. It is reported that the police intervened the people gathering around to react against the violence of watchmen and police; and detained 4 people along with this person. (08/174) Detained People in Istanbul… On August 24, 2020, the police used physical violence to detain 10 people who were on watch following the press declaration of Solidarity for Justice platform in front of Bakırköy Sadi Konuk Hospital where lawyer Ebru Timtik is kept. Lawyer Ebru Timtik is on death fast for 234 days to demand a fair trial. Names of detained people learned so far are: Neslihan Albayrak, Feridun Osmanağaoğlu, Aslı Kılıç, Baran Gündoğdu, Eren Kaya, Aren Avjin, Yıldırım Deniz. It is learned that benches in front of the hospital which were also used by those on watch, were removed with a caterpillar. (08/175) Detained Journalist in Kocaeli… Erkan Akkuş, former news editor and news anchor of Bugün TV channel who was detained in Izmit district of Kocaeli, and then was taken to Istanbul on August 22, 2020, is arrested by the court on August 24, 2020. (08/176) Detentions and Arrests in Alleged Link to Coup Attempt… On August 24, 2020, 22 people are detained through an Ankara based investigation against former students of Military Academy. 35 of 54 people who were detained through an Istanbul based investigation are arrested by the court on August 24, 2020. 19 people are released on judicial control conditions. (08/177) Ban of Access to Web Contents… It is learned that a social media post about President of Religious Affairs, shared by Veli Ağbaba, deputy chair and Malatya MP of Republican People’s Party (CHP) is banned to access by Ankara Penal Court of Peace No 4 on August 17, 2020. (08/178) Covid-19 Pandemic… Ministry of Health declared that 18 people died due to Covid-19 pandemic and 1,443 new Covid-19 cases were diagnosed on August 24, 2020. The death toll from Covid-19 in Turkey increased to 6,139 and total number of confirmed cases is 259,692 as of August 24, 2020. 26 August 2020 Daily Human Rights Report (08/179) Soldier Died in Libya… Ministry of National Defence declared on August 25, 2020 that 1 soldier (specialised sergeant Bilal Yılmaz) who was on duty in Libya, died in hospital where he was taken for health issues. (08/180) Operations and Attacks in Southeast… Ministry of National Defence declared on August 24, 2020 that 1 soldier (Mesut Yıldırım) died after falling off cliffs during a practice in Şemdinli district of Hakkari. (08/181) Soldier Died in Mersin… Ministry of National Defence declared that 1 soldier (Cihat Şengil) who was injured in a car crash on July 27, 2020 in Mersin, died in hospital on August 25, 2020. (08/182) Journalist Forced to be Police Informant in Diyarbakır… It is learned from the news coverage of August 25, 2020 that, Cengiz Anıl Bölükbaş, Diyarbakır reporter of Evrensel newspaper, was forced to be a police informant by 3 people who claim themselves to be security intelligence officers. Cengiz Anıl Bölükbaş stated the following: “I went to Batman for a news report, and when I came back to Diyarbakır, 3 people came to me and wanted to talk to me. These people show their identity cards and introduced themselves as security intelligence officers. They told me that they know that I have studied engineering in Antep, living in Diyarbakır for 13 or 14 months and studying German teaching here and they know details such as my birthdate and family information. And they stated that I work for Evrensel newspaper. And then they talked about the cases against me and the investigation on the charge of ‘insulting the President’. They said that these situations would become obstacles for my siblings in case they want to be public officer, and they told that they would help me about that. And in return, they wanted me to inform them about activities here, because they could follow activities here by technical methods but only 70-80 per cent. When I rejected to be their informant, they said ‘Think hard, the state would fill in this place in any other way, if you do not do it any other friend of you will’. I insisted on refusing and they said ‘We understand your decision but we will call you again two days later, we should have a dinner together’.” (08/183) Child Subjected to Sexual Assault by a Soldier in Batman… İpek Er, a 17-year-old girl who was subjected to sexual assault of specialised sergeant M. O. and who attempted to suicide on July 16, 2020; has lost her life in hospital on August 18, 2020. Specialised sergeant M. O. was arrested upon a warrant on August 18, 2020. Following approval of Siirt Heavy Penal Court No 2 of the appeal of his lawyer, M. O. is released from prison on August 25, 2020. It is learned that prosecutor’s office appealed to release. (08/184) Assault to Association of Journalists in Nevşehir… It is learned that a vehicle of Association of Journalists in Nevşehir which was parked in front of its office was assaulted. 2 people (İ. H. and M. A.) who were detained in relation to the assault, are released by the court on judicial control conditions. (08/185) Assault to a Journalist in Antalya… On August 25, 2020, anonymous persons organized an armed assault to the resident of journalist Yakup Kocabaş, Gazipaşa district correspondent of Dim Medya in Antalya. It is learned that nobody was injured in the assault which broke windows of the house. (08/186) Arrested HDP Executive in Diyarbakır… Fatma Kavmaz, Bağlar district co-chair of Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) who was detained on August 24, 2020 in Diyarbakır, is arrested by the court on the charge of ‘being an illegal organisation member’ on August 25, 2020. (08/187) Detained Person in Maraş for Social Media Posts… On August 25, 2020, a person named Arif Kocabıyık, is detained in Maraş on the charge of ‘provoking hatred and hostility among people’ in his social media posts. Arif Kocabıyık is released after statement procedures on the same day. (08/188) Trials in Alleged Link to Coup Attempt… The final trial of the case against 33 people is held at Ankara Heavy Penal Court No 2 is held on August 25, 2020. The court sentenced 1 person to 15 years, 1 person to 12 years, 3 people to 10 years, 1 person to 9 years and 9 months, 4 people to 9 years, 1 person to 8 years and 9 months, 1 person to 8 years and 1 month and 15 days, 6 people to 7 years and 6 months, 3 people to 6 years and 3 months, 1 person to 3 years, 1 person to 6 months and 22 days and 1 person to 1 year and 10 months and 15 days. The court decided to separate the cases against 4 defendants, to acquit 4 defendants, and decided to not to sentence 1 defendant. (08/189) Covid-19 Pandemic… Ministry of Health declared that 24 people died due to Covid-19 pandemic and 1,502 new Covid-19 cases were diagnosed on August 25, 2020. The death toll from Covid-19 in Turkey increased to 6,163 and total number of confirmed cases is 261,194 as of August 25, 2020. 27 August 2020 Daily Human Rights Report (08/190) Operations and Attacks in Southeast… It is learned from the news coverage of August 26, 2020 that, 3 HPG militants died in air operations of Turkish Armed Forces to Zap area of Iraqi Kurdistan Regional Government on August 11, and 13, 2020. (08/191) Child Got Wounded Due to Explosion in Hakkari… It is learned that a 12-year-old child (Y. A.) got wounded due to explosion of a material he found near military post in Yüksekova district of Hakkari on August 26, 2020 and he was taken to Yüksekova Public Hospital. (08/192) Torture and Ill-Treatment in Prison… It is learned from the news coverage of August 26, 2020 that, letters sent to prisoners in Ankara Sincan Women’s Prison were not given to them; petitions of prisoners were not put into process; social and sports rights of prisoners were prevented; and goods at prison commissary were sold at high prices. (08/193) Prevention of Right to Health in Prison… It is learned from the news coverage of August 26, 2020 that, Tenzike Acar, a prisoner in Istanbul Bakırköy Women’s Closed Prison who was diagnosed with Hepatitis B, was not treated because of being forced to get medical treatment in handcuffs. (08/194) Detained Person for Social Media Posts in Muğla… On August 26, 2020, a person named H. B. is detained on the grounds of insulting Minister of Interior Süleyman Soylu in social media posts, in Bodrum district of Muğla. (08/195) Detained HDP Executive and Other People in Muş… Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Muş provincial co-chair Abdulbari Yiğit and Şaban Atılgan and Güler Bingöl who were detained on August 15, 2020 and were released afterwards, are detained once again upon prosecutor’s appeal on August 26, 2020 and are arrested by the court. (08/196) Arrested Journalist in Adıyaman… Özgür Boğatekin, news editor of Gerger Fırat local newspaper in Adıyaman, is arrested and put in prison on August 26, 2020, after 1 year and 15 days of sentence given to him is approved by the Supreme Court. (08/197) Removal of Political Party’s Banner in Ankara… It is learned that HDP Mamak district organisation’s banner about “Peace against war, freedom against isolation” event which was to be held on August 29, 2020, is removed on the grounds of precautions for Covid19. (08/198) Detentions and Arrests in Alleged Link to Coup Attempt… On August 26, 2020, 24 people are detained in operations covering 6 cities through a Gaziantep based investigation and 1 person is detained in Ankara. (08/199) Covid-19 Pandemic… Ministry of Health declared that 20 people died due to Covid-19 pandemic and 1,313 new Covid-19 cases were diagnosed on August 26, 2020. The death toll from Covid-19 in Turkey increased to 6,183 and total number of confirmed cases is 262,507 as of August 26, 2020. It is claimed in the news coverage of August 26, 2020 that, prisoners kept in ward number 4/4 in Block A of Rize Kalkandere L Type Prison tested positive for Covid-19. 28 August 2020 Daily Human Rights Report (08/200) Lawyer Ebru Timtik Lost Her… Lawyer Ebru Timtik, who went on a hunger strike to demand a fair trial on February 3, 2020 in Silivri Prison No 9, which was then turned into a death fast, lost her life on 238th day of her fast, on August 27, 2020, in Bakırköy Sadi Konuk Hospital. Lawyer Ebru Timtik was detained in a police raid to People’s Law Office on June 20, 2019, and was arrested on June 25, 2019. The final trial of the case against 20 lawyers from People’s Law Office and Progressive Lawyers’ Association (ÇHD) was held at Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 37 on March 20, 2019; and Ebru Timtik was sentenced to 13 years and 6 months for ‘being an illegal organisation member’. 18 lawyers were sentenced to jail penalties from 3 years to 18 years, and lawyers on trial were subjected to physical violence and were forced out of the courtroom during this final trial. On July 27, 2020, Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 37 approved the request for lawyers Ebru Timtik and Aytaç Ünsal who was also on death fast in Burhaniye T Type Prison, and decided to refer them to the Forensic Medicine Institution for examination in order to determine if their medical conditions are proper to be kept in prison. And two lawyers were taken back to Silivri Prison on July 29, 2020 after being examined at Forensic Medicine Institution on June 29, 2020. Despite of Forensic Medicine Institution’s report which states their medical conditions as improper to be kept in prison, the court rejected demand of release for Ebru Timtik and Aytaç Ünsal on July 30, 2020. On the same day, Ebru Timtik was taken from prison and admitted to Bakırköy Sadi Konuk Hospital. The Constitutional Court has also rejected demand of release for two lawyers on August 14, 2020. On August 28, 2020, the police used pepper spray and rubber bullets to intervene the people who were waiting at Forensic Medicine Institution to receive Ebru Timtik’s body. It is reported that 4 people (Ayhan Balık, Emir Karakum, Vedat Doğan and 1 more person) were detained in the police intervention. It is learned that Ebru Timtik’s body was abducted by the police and was taken to Gazi Cemevi by armoured police vehicles. It is reported that the police did not allow anybody else apart from her family and lawyers to attend the funeral at Gazi Cemevi, and prevented journalists as well. It is learned that the police abducted Ebru Timtik’s body once again, after the funeral held at Gazi Cemevi to take her to Gazi Cemetery; and used pepper spray and rubber bullets to intervene people reacting against them. (08/201) Operations and Attacks in Southeast… It is learned that 1 soldier (specialised sergeant Çetin Ak) who got wounded during an operation in Ağrı on August 25, 2020, died in hospital on August 27, 2020. It is learned from the news coverage of August 27, 2020 that, 1 HPG militant died in an air operation of Turkish Armed Forces to Zap area of Iraqi Kurdistan Regional Government on August 18, 2020. (08/202) People Abducted and Forced to be Police Informant in Istanbul… It is learned from the news coverage of August 27, 2020 that 3 members of Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) were forced to be police informants by persons claim themselves to be intelligence officers in Istanbul. A press declaration is held at Human Rights Association (IHD) Istanbul and HDP member Musa Taştan stated there that, he was being stopped from time to time by persons claim themselves to be intelligent officers and was forced to be police informant; and that he was threatened to be detained for he rejects to be informant and was subjected to physical violence of these persons. Another member, Özer Yıldırım, stated that he was abducted by 4 persons with face masks who claim themselves to be intelligence officers, and was taken to a desolate area where he was subjected to physical violence and forced to be police informant; and when finally he was released, his wallet and ID card were not given back to him. HDP Sultangazi district executive Cihan Çitgez stated that three days ago he was abducted by 4 persons in a white car with face masks who claim themselves to be intelligence officers, he was in the car for two hours traveling in the city, and then he was taken out of this car, subjected to verbal and physical violence of these people and was taken into another car. Cihan Çitgez states the following: “They said ‘if you are with us we will always be brothers to you’. When I did not accept it, they threatened me with my family. They were beating me at that time. They also said ‘you can set cars or shops on fire, you are free, but do it so that we would be informed about it’. I said I would never accept this. They said, ‘You have a week. Think harder, don’t say no at first. We will support you in anyway’ and left me at Habipler road at around 10 p.m.” (08/203) Police Intervention to a Protest in Istanbul… The police intervened the press declaration on August 27, 2020 in front of President Tayyip Erdoğan’s residence in Istanbul, to support demands of lawyers Ebru Timtik and Aytaç Ünsal who are on death fast for a fair trial, and detained 12 people. Detained people are: Sevcan Akdoğan, Ali Hasan Akgül, Beyhan Gün, Turgut Onur, Hüseyin Kütük, Eren Yılmaz, Özgür Can, Erbiz Bakican Işık, Emircan Yazı, Baran Katar, Yıldız Turan, Coşkun Öztekin. (08/204) Detained People in Diyarbakır… On August 27, 2020, 4 people are detained in house raids in Diyarbakır. Names of detained people and the reason of detention is unknown. (08/205) Case Against Journalist for ‘Insulting the President’… It is learned from the news coverage of August 27, 2020 that Istanbul Public Prosecutor’s Office prepared an indictment against journalist Can Ataklı, demanding jail sentence from 1 year and 2 months to 4 years and 8 months on the grounds of ‘insulting the President’ by his expressions about ‘earthquake taxes’. (08/206) Lawyer on Trial in Urfa… The first trial of the case against lawyer Sevda Çelik Özbingöl is held at Urfa Heavy Penal Court No 6 on August 27, 2020. The court decided to continue detention of Sevda Çelik Özbingöl and adjourned the trial to September 25, 2020. Sevda Çelik Özbingöl was detained on March 12, 2020 through an Urfa based investigation and was arrested by the court on March 17, 2020. (08/207) Administrative Fine for TV Channels… On August 27, 2020, the Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTUK) issued TELE1 television channel with administrative fine at the top level, on the grounds of ‘inciting praise for terror, demonstrating terrorist organisations strong and right’ by broadcasting a video for 25th anniversary of Evrensel newspaper. (08/208) Covid-19 Pandemic… Ministry of Health declared that 26 people died due to Covid-19 pandemic and 1,491 new Covid-19 cases were diagnosed on August 27, 2020. The death toll from Covid-19 in Turkey increased to 6,209 and total number of confirmed cases is 263,998 as of August 27, 2020. Education and Science Workers’ Union (Eğitim-Sen) made a declaration on August 27, 2020 and announced that, according to data received by union headquarters, Covid-19 cases were seen in 46 more schools in Turkey. The union has made a declaration on August 26, 2020 and announced that Covid-19 cases were seen in 34 schools. 29 – 31 August 2020 Daily Human Rights Report (08/209) Operations and Attacks in Southeast… Ministry of National Defence declared on August 29, 2020 that 2 soldiers died in a clash between security forces and HPG militants in Doğubayazıt district of Ağrı. It is learned from the news coverage of August 30, 2020 that 2 HPG militants died in an air operation of Turkish Armed Forces to Haftanin area of Iraqi Kurdistan Regional Government on August 20, 2020. (08/210) Attack to Workers’ Party of Turkey MP in Istanbul… Barış Atay, Hatay MP and Vice President of Workers’ Party of Turkey (TİP) is attacked by an unidentified group in Kadıköy district of Istanbul on August 31, 2020. Barış Atay stated the following: “A person coming behind me pounced on me. I rescued myself from this person and then 3 or 4 people started to punch me behind my back. They made me fell down while I was trying to defence myself. They started to hit my head and my body. My friends called the police at that time and these people ran away. They were shouting ‘traitor’ to me while they were beating and cursing me.” Minister of Interior Süleyman Soylu has shared a post on social media, “I cannot be a ‘rapist protector’ but you would make quite a rapist. Watch out, don’t get caught”, mentioning Barış Atay. (08/211) Detained People in Istanbul for Protests About Death Fasts in Prisons and Lawyer Ebru Timtik’s Funeral… 19 of 21 people who were detained in police intervention to a protest about death fasts in prisons in front of President’s house in Üsküdar district of Istanbul on August 27, 2020 are released by the court on judicial control conditions on August 28, 2020. 1 person (Hüseyin Kütük) is arrested and 1 person (Metin Kaleli) is released on house confinement. People released on judicial control conditions are: Özgürcan Elbiz, Bakican Işık, Burak Baran Katar, Yıldız Turan, Ali Hasan Akgül, Cansu İrem Kalender, Hatun Polat, Aydın Gevin, Özlem Balkı, Sevcan Akdoğan, Beyhan Gün, Eren Yılmaz, Coşkun Öztekin, Emircan Yazı, Gökhan Uysal, Mehmet Güvel, Berkay Köroğlu, Kubilay Yılmaz, Turgut Onur. On August 30, 2020, 1 person (Erkan Munar) is detained in front of President’s house in Üsküdar district of Istanbul. 3 people (Ayhan Balık, Emir Karakum, Vedat Doğan) who were detained in police intervention against people who were waiting at Forensic Medicine Institution to receive Ebru Timtik’s body on August 28, 2020, are released by the court on judicial control conditions on August 29, 2020. (08/212) Police Intervention to a March in Kırşehir… The police prevented the march of Republican People’s Party (CHP) for August 30 Victory Day in Kırşehir. It is learned that CHP’s Kırşehir MP Metin İlhan was subjected to physical violence of the police. (08/213) Police Intervention to a Protest in Ankara… The police intervened the anti-drug protest of Batıkent Solidarity Platform in Yenimahalle district of Ankara on August 28, 2020. It is learned that 3 people were detained and they were released on the same day. Names of detained people are unknown. (08/214) Police Raid to CHP Member’s House in Istanbul… It is learned that house of Mutlu Yıldırım, a member of CHP Avcılar Youth Branch, is raided by the police on August 29, 2020, on the grounds of his social media post about lawyer Ebru Timtik who lost her life in death fast. Minister of Interior Süleyman Soylu has shared a post on social media on August 29, 2020, in relation to Mutlu Yıldırım’s social media post and said the following: “Veteran Mustafa Kemal and his fellows, our heroic ancestors did struggle for freedom but it was not for those terrorist traitors from DHKP-C [Revolutionary People’s Liberation Party/Front] would be referred as martyrs. Tell August 30 to CHP Youth Branch, not to us”. (08/215) Arrested Writer in Aydın… Writer Musa Dinç, who was detained in Didim district of Aydın, on the grounds of obscene expressions in his children’s book, is arrested by the court on the charge of ‘publishing obscene materials which include sexual acts with children, animals, or a human corpse’ on August 28, 2020. (08/216) Assault to a Party Office in Ankara… On August 30, 2020, an assault was committed by 2 people against Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) office in Keçiören district of Ankara. There were no casualties due to assault, the party flags in front of the office were burnt down. It is learned that 1 person is detained in relation to the assault and 1 person is being searched. (08/217) Ban of a Theatre Play in Izmir… It is learned that the play “Kuvayi Milliye Destanı” [Turkish Revolutionaries Epic Story] which was to be staged in Izmir, is banned by Izmir Governorate on the grounds of precautions for Covid-19 pandemic. (08/218) Detentions and Arrests in Alleged Link to Coup Attempt… On August 28, 2020, 24 people are detained in operations covering 28 cities through an Izmir based investigation; and 10 people are detained in operations covering 3 cities through a Mersin based investigation. 1 person who was detained in Istanbul is arrested by the court on August 28, 2020. (08/219) City Council Member Given Back to Duty… Ayşe Minaz, who was elected as city council member from HDP in Tuşba district of Van, and who was suspended by Ministry of Interior on July 2, 2020; is given back to her duty after non-prosecution decision of Van Public Prosecutor’s Office, on August 28, 2020. (08/220) Covid-19 Pandemic… Ministry of Health declared that 36 people died due to Covid-19 pandemic and 1,517 new Covid-19 cases were diagnosed on August 28, 2020. Ministry of Health declared that 39 people died due to Covid-19 pandemic and 1,549 new Covid-19 cases were diagnosed on August 29, 2020. Ministry of Health declared that 42 people died due to Covid-19 pandemic and 1,482 new Covid-19 cases were diagnosed on August 30, 2020. The death toll from Covid-19 in Turkey increased to 6,326 and total number of confirmed cases is 268,546 as of August 30, 2020. Turkish Medical Association (TTB) chair Professor Sinan Adıyaman declared on August 28, 2020 that 32 physicians and 66 health workers died from Covid-19 since the first cases were diagnosed in Turkey. __________________________________________________________________________________________ [1]The reports on the human rights violations of the Documentation Center are claims unless they are certified. The claim of violation either is certified through thoroughly investigations of HRFT Documentation Center, including by judicial verdicts, and becomes a definite data or it is not included to the annual report. 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