Islamist Turkish President Erdogan Says A ‘Mastermind’ Is Plotting Against Turkey; Antisemitic ‘Documentary’ Says Jews Have Been ‘Mastermind’ For Over 3,500 Years. – Since October 2014, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has regularly referred to the concept of a “Mastermind” (ust akil, “supra-intellect,” in Turkish) that, he says, is plotting against Turkey. This concept has been applauded by the Islamist pro-AKP media. Erdogan’s December 12, 2014 speech, which focused on this “mastermind” concept, inspired the production of a two-hour “documentary” by one of the leading Turkish television channels, the pro-AKP A Haber. The film, titled “The Mastermind,” first aired on March 15, 2015 and has been broadcast repeatedly since then; in addition, the Turkish Islamist pro-AKP media are circulating the film on their own websites.