MESOP: THE ISIS GOLDFISH – How A Jewish Man & Professor’s Son From Volgograd, Nicknamed “Goldfish,” Joined IS

by Joanna Paraszczuk  – 6 April 2016 – Local media in Russia are reporting that the passport of a Russian militant, Andrey Karasik, has been found in Syria in areas liberated from IS by Kurdish militias. The suggestion is that Karasik and his wife and two children, also Russian converts, have been killed — though this is not proven. Karasik, 38, was a convert to Islam from Volgograd. He is listed on the Russian FSB wanted list:

But colleagues and I “know” Karasik from his social media presence as the unlikely “Omar Andrew Goldfish,” an IS militant who described himself as having been born Jewish. Karasik, 38, was a convert to Islam from Volgograd. He is listed on the Russian FSB wanted list: 2355. КАРАСИК АНДРЕЙ ВЛАДИМИРОВИЧ*, 07.05.1977 г.р. , Г. ВОЛГОГРАД ВОЛГОГРАДСКОЙ ОБЛАСТИ;(Karasik, Andrey Vladimirovich, 07.05.1977, Volgograd, Volgograd Oblast)

I am interested in Karasik’s story because it is to say the least unusual for a Russian-speaking IS militant. First, he was, by his own accounts, born Jewish, converted to Islam as an adult, livedas a religious Muslim and then was radicalized some years later or slowly over the years. Hewas extremely well-educated and had an excellent command of English, as his social media posts — one of which is posted below — shows. He was in his late 30s when he traveled to IScontrolled territory. His family are also well educated, with his father being a professor at aVolgograd university. Read all :