MESOP Syria Video: Russia-Regime Attack on Aleppo’s Al-Quds Hospital — New Footage & Testimony

WEST KURDISTAN (SYRIA) – May 10 –  by Scott Lucas – eaworldview – With new CCTV footage and testimony, Britain’s Channel 4 recreates the airstrike on Aleppo’s al-Quds Hospital on April 27, which killed 55 people and wounded 80. The video shows treatment of patients just before the attack, the moment of explosion, and the aftermath. Two of the three doctors who died are seen in their last moments; a woman with a baby tries to get out of the rubble; the hospital doorman — “a simple man and respected” — greets staff and patients just before his death.

A survivor summarizes, “Living in Aleppo is a martyrdom project. We think of ourselves as living martyrs.”It is still unknown whether the missiles were fired by Russian or regime warplanes — Moscow and Damascus each deny that they were flying the area — but the attack on al-Quds hospital, one of the last in opposition-held east Aleppo, adds to the long list of medical facilities struck by both Russia and the regime. Since Moscow’s aerial intervention on September 30, more than 30 medical facilities have been damaged or destroyed, killing scores of doctors, nurses, rescue workers, paramedics, and patients. WATCH VIDEO  –