MESOP Syria Feature: Deadly Russian-Regime Airstrikes Continue Across Idlib, Aleppo & Homs

3 June – By Scott Lucas – eaworldview – Russian and Syrian warplanes continued their deadly assault across northwest Syria on Thursday, striking throughout Idlib, Aleppo, and Homs Province.Attacks across Idlib Province, included the towns of Ma’arat al-Numan, Ariah, and Ma’arat Miskin (see Thursday’s Syria Daily).

The Idlib Provincial Council said: We announce that the province of Idlib is a province afflicted with disaster after being targeted by more than 40 airstrikes in 12 hours. We hold the international community responsible for what is happening today and every day in the city….

Northern Syria is being subjected to genocide at the hands of the regime and its allies – the Russians and the Iranians.

Russia and the regime have stepped up the attacks this week, including the killing of dozens of people and wounding of up to 250 in Idlib city on Monday night.Russian and regime warplanes also hit Homs and Aleppo Provinces on Thursday, killing civilians in Talbiseh in Homs Province and in opposition-held areas of Aleppo city. The opposition site Eldorar said 44 people were slain in Aleppo alone. Friday Prayers have been cancelled in Aleppo and Idlib because of the threat from airstrikes.