MESOP SUMMARY : Security In Iraq Apr 8-14, 2016 (BY MUSINGS ON IRAQ – JOEL WING)

18 Apr 2016 – Violence remained high in Iraq during the second week of April 2016. That was due to two causes. First, the Iraqi forces continued their march through Anbar, with two lesser operations in Kirkuk and Ninewa. At the same time, the Islamic State appears to be launching a mini-spring offensive. It is nowhere near as large as its previous ones, but there are more attacks than usual.

There were 141 incidents from April 8-14, 2016 in Iraq. That was just the same as the previous week when there were 144. Baghdad was the most violent province as usual with 64 incidents, followed by 19 in Ninewa, 17 in Kirkuk, 14 in Anbar, 12 in Salahaddin, 9 in Diyala, 3 in Babil, 2 in Basra, and 1 in Dhi Qar.

Those led to 271 dead and 391 wounded. There were 1 Nujafi volunteers, 2 Peshmerga, 2 Sahwa, 22 Hashd, 79 Iraqi Security Forces (ISF), and 165 civilians who died, and 2 Sahwa, 11 Peshmerga, 20 Volunteers, 32 ISF, 95 Hashd, and 231 civilians who were injured. Ninewa was the deadliest governorate with 91 fatalities. There were also 79 in Baghdad, 50 in Anbar, 33 in Kirkuk, 9 in Diyala, 7 in Salahaddin, and 1 each in Babil and Basra.

The Iraqi forces finally took Hit in western Anbar. At the start of the week 85%of the area had been cleared. By the end of the week it was taken. Freeing the town helps secure the road heading westward from Ramadi to Ain Assad base and Haditha.

The question then arises of where the Iraqi forces will head next. There appears to be no consensus as there is no unity of command in Anbar. The Hashd and ISF are still acting on their own initiatives. The Hashd started a new sweep through Subhait, the seventh since July, and announced a new operation against Garma, which they still have not been able to take after trying for two years. The approaches to southern Fallujahwere also said to be secured, but those operations have never proven successful since the city was surrounded at the start of 2014. At the same time troops were being sent to Rutba, which is in the west heading towards the Syrian border. It’s likely that all of these operations will continue simultaneously as the cooperation between the different forces has not improved.

The Islamic State responded with 9 attacks in Anbar. The largest occurred in Albu Bali, Amiriya Fallujah, Hit and Subhait with infantry attacks and car bombings. A suicide car bomb got through the defenses in Albu Baliand killed 12 soldiers and wounded 2 more.

Finally, an air strike on Fallujah was blamed for killing 10 civilians and wounding 25 more. That could have been American or Iraqi.

Baghdad remained the focal point of the Islamic State. There were 64 incidents there that killed 79 and wounded 213. The south as usual had the most insurgent violence with 24 attacks including 1 grenade, 1 sticky bomb, 1 mortar, 5 shootings, and 16 IEDs. A suicide bomber was arrested in the center, and there was 1 major robbery, 4 kidnappings, and 7 bodies dumped.

Violence in Baghdad, Apr 8-14, 2016

Center: 5 – 1 Suicide Bomber Arrested, 1 Kidnapping, 3 IEDs

East: 8 – 1 Shooting/Robbery, 2 Shootings, 2 IEDs, 3 Sticky Bombs

Outer East: 2 – 1 Sticky Bomb, 1 IED

North: 6 – 1 Kidnapping, 1 Mortar, 2 Shootings, 2 IEDs

Outer North: 8 – 1 Sticky Bomb, 1 Shooting, 6 IEDs

South: 10 – 1 Sticky Bomb, 3 Shootings, 6 IEDs

Outer South: 14 – 1 Grenade, 1 Mortar, 2 Shootings, 10 IEDs

West: 7 – 1 Shootings, 2 Sticky Bombs, 4 IEDs

Outer West: 2 – 1 Mortar, 1 IED

Unknown: 3 – 1 Newspaper raided, 2 Kidnappings

In Basra there continued to be political violence. There were attacks on a customs house, a South Oil Company officer was shotand killed in his house, and a sound bomb went off on an employee of the Deputy governor.

The previous week there was a suicide bombing in Dhi Qar. The second week of April another suicide bomber was arrestedin Nasiriyah before he could carry out an attack. That showed IS is reaching out to new targets during its offensive.

Violence has picked back up in Kirkuk. There were 17 incidents during the week. IS attacked Kurdish positions five times. There was also a heavy firefight with the Hashd led forces during the Bashiroperation that killed 19 police and Hashd and wounded 90. The second phase of the Bashir sweep was announced on April 9, but then it was called off due to bad weather. For a few weeks there was only one attack per week in the province, but now things have returned to normal in part in response to the Hashd offensive.

The ISF Makhmour campaign in Ninewa went so badly that it was postponed on April 5. The two Iraqi units carrying out the operation were novices, and quickly bogged down due to bad weather and heavy resistance by the IS. The militants launched a series of car bomb and suicide attacks to drive back the ISF, but they were turned back.

There was also an attack upon the Kurdish positions in Gwar, and a mortar attack on the Zilcancamp where volunteers for ex-Governor Nujafi are being trained by Turkish troops that killed 1 and wounded 20.

IS executed 35 people in Mosul. A mass grave was also discovered with the bodies of 40 ISF members in it who had been executed by the Islamic State.

There were 12 incidents in Salahaddin. The number wasn’t important, but the locations were. There were attacks outside of Tikrit, and in the Baiji district showing that IS had moved back into those areas. It’s gotten to the point that there are clashes and bombings in those areas a couple times a week.

There was only one successful car bombing during the week, which occurred in Anbar. The Iraqi forces claimed they destroyed 17 more in Anbar, 13 in Ninewa, and 3 each in Kirkuk and Salahaddin. Those figures are unreliable as the ISF and Hashd regularly exaggerate how many they are able to blow up and defeat.

Violence In Iraq 2015-16

Date Incidents Dead Wounded
JAN 911 2,656 3,032 + 150
FEB 730 2,345 2,366
MAR 820 2,665 2,529
APR 751 2,753 2,621
MAY 674 2,565 + 1,499 1,952 + 646
JUN 708 2,153 + 405 2,174
JUL 688 2,716 3,198 + 4,024
AUG 684 2,440 + 760 1,777
SEP 649 1,731 1,668 + 3,003
OCT 589 1,144 1,555
NOV 530 1,174 1,455 + 124 + 1,322
DEC 553 1,155 1,252 + 5,920
Jan 1-7 150 808 421
Jan 8-14 140 436 417
Jan 15-21 135 275 227
Jan 22-28 132 392 322
Jan 29-31 41 81 334
JAN 598 2,052 1,721
Feb 1-7 146 575 313
Feb 8-14 119 146 323
Feb 15-21 130 225 239
Feb 22-29 153 371 690
FEB 549 1,281 1,566
Mar 1-7 183 321 478
Mar 8-14 168 408 415
Mar 15-21 130 349 409
Mar 22-28 135 213 420
Mar 29-31 49 172 121
MAR 665 1,463 1,843
Apr 1-7 144 239 444
Apr 8-14 141 271 391

Security By Province Apr 8-14, 2016

Province Incidents
Anbar 14 Incidents

50 Killed: 1 Sahwa, 16 Civilians, 33 ISF

45 Wounded: 7 ISF, 38 Civilians

5 Shootings

4 IEDs

1 Suicide Bomber

1 Suicide Car Bomb

1 Mortar

7 Suicide Bombers Killed

1 Suicide Car Bomb Destroyed

16 Car Bombs Destroyed

Babil 3 Incidents

1 Killed: 1 Civilian

1 Wounded: 1 Civilian

1 Shooting


Baghdad 64 Incidents

79 Killed: 1 Sahwa, 2 Hashd, 5 ISF, 71 Civilians

213 Wounded: 2 Sahwa, 4 Hashd, 24 ISF, 183 Civilians

12 Shootings

35 IEDs

8 Sticky Bombs

3 Mortars

1 Grenade

1 Suicide Bomber Arrested

Basra 2 Incidents

1 Killed: 1 Civilian

1 Shooting


1 Sound Bomb

Dhi Qar 1 Incident

1 Suicide Bomber Arrested

Diyala 9 Incidents

9 Killed: 9 Civilians

11 Wounded: 2 Hashd, 9 Civilians

3 Gunfire

5 IEDs

1 Suicide Bomber Killed

Kirkuk 17 Incidents

33 Killed: 1 ISF, 1 Peshmerga, 12 Civilians, 19 Hashd

99 Wounded: 1 ISF, 9 Peshmerga, 89 Hashd

7 Shootings

3 IEDs

1 Suicide Bomber

2 Rockets

2 Mortars

6 Suicide Bombers Killed

3 Suicide Car Bombs Destroyed

Ninewa 19 Incidents

91 Killed: 1 Volunteer, 1 Peshmerga, 40 ISF, 49 Civilians

22 Wounded: 2 Peshmerga, 20 Volunteers

5 Shootings

17 IEDs

2 Mortars

13 Suicide Bombers Killed

8 Suicide Car Bombs Destroyed

3 Car Bombs Destroyed

Salahaddin 12 Incidents

7 Killed: 1 Hashd, 6 Civilians

8 Shooting


13 Suicide Bombers Killed

2 Suicide Car Bombs Destroyed

1 Car Bomb Destroyed

Car Bombs In Iraq Apr, 2016

Date Car Bombs Dead Wounded
Apr 1 Hit, Anbar
Apr 2 Hit, Anbar – 3 destroyed
Apr 3
Apr 4 Baghdadi x2, Anbar

Meshada & Taji, Baghdad

Basra, Basra

Baghdadi, Rashad, Shihabi, Subhait, Anbar – 21 destroyed

Abu Ghraib, Baghdad – 2 destroyed

Nasir, Ninewa – 6 destroyed

Siniya, Salahaddin – 2 destroyed

16 35
Apr 5 New Baghdad, Baghdad

Baghdadi & Subhait, Anbar – 9 destroyed

Tal Ahmed, Kirkuk – 1 destroyed Makhmou, Nasir, Ninewa – 13 destroyed

3 14
Apr 6 Kubaisa, Anbar – 3 destroyed

Nasir, Ninewa – 7 destroyed

Apr 7 160 Kilo, Garma, Hit, Anbar – 7 destroyed

Tal Ahmed, Kirkuk – 3 Destroyed

Hardan, Ninewa – 2 destroyed

Shirqat-Baiji Road, Salahaddin – 2 destroyed

Totals 7 – 81 Destroyed 19 49
Apr 8 Hit, Anbar – 10 destroyed

Makhmour, Ninewa – 7 destroyed

Apr 9 Albu Bali, Anbar

Hit & Subhait, Anbar – 6 destroyed

12 2
Apr 10 Bashir, Kirkuk – 3 destroyed

Nasir, Ninewa – 1 destroyed

Baiji, Salahaddin – 2 destroyed

Apr 11
Apr 12 Hit, Anbar – 1 destroyed

Nasir, Ninewa – 2 destroyed

Apr 13 Makhmour & Nasir, Ninewa – 3 destroyed
Apr 14 Makhoul, Salahaddin – 1 destroyed
Totals 1 – 36 Destroyed 12 2


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