ISIS Pushed Back Across Rojava – Rojava Report – 32 March 2015 – Following the liberation of Til Hemis the YPG/YPJ also liberated town of Til Berak, both of which had served as large ISIS bases in the Cizîrê Canton. 70 ISIS fighters are reported to have been killed in the operation, according to an article in Özgür Gündem. Operations in the area are reported to be continuing.Meanwhile YPG/YPJ fighters in the Kobanê canton have liberated 12 more villages and have reached the west bank of the Euphrates. After they retook the villages YPG/YPJ fighters also captured the ISIS base at Şiyux, 40 km to the west of the Kobanê city center.

The liberation of Til Hemis and Til Berak occurred as part of comprehensive operation to push ISIS from its remaining strongholds in the Cizîrê Canton. YPG/YPJ forces have been operating in partnership with local Arab tribal militias and Syriac Defence Forces, who have taken an active part in the operation.

A statement from the YPG Press Center declared that 70 ISIS fighters, including a commander, were killed in the fighting for Til Berak, reading “the gangs suffered a heavy blow in the course of an operation in which the international coalition fighting ISIS and the Jeysh el-Senedid – made up of local Arab tribesmen – played an active role.”

Operations Continuing

The statement noted that the YPG forces which liberated Til Berak after 24 hours of violent clashes have continued to advance, adding “our forces captured a strategic junction located 5 km to the South of Til Berak from the gangs. 70 ISIS members are known to have been killed in the operation. Among the ISIS dead are the commanders Ebu Bekir Es-Safhawî and Cewad El-Heskawî. One of our comrades was also martyred while fighting heroically in the operation to liberate Til Berak from the gangs. Three of our comrades were also injured. Today (yesterday) during the morning hours our forces began a new operation to clear the gangs from the region between Til Hemis and Til Berak. Our forces have also liberated the strategic village of Um El Rus and a 10 km2 area in this region. In this area our forces also captured a Turkish citizenship and ISIS member who had been wounded in the fighting. The operation in the area is continuing.”

The YPG Has Reached The Euphrates

The YPG Press Center also released a statement about the progress of the operations in the Kobanê canton on the 167 day of fighting. The statement noted that YPG/YPJ forces had liberated 12 more villages and had captured a number of strategic locations, adding that 3 ISIS fighters had been killed in an effort to infiltrate Til Temir.

10 Village Liberated

The statement continued: “Yesterday evening (the day before yesterday) we launched an operation targeting a number of villages along the banks of the Euphrates to the West of Kobanê. As a result of the operation the villages of Boraz, Cibil Ferec and Xirab Eto were cleared of all gang presence. The number of ISIS fighters killed and wounded in the fighting could not be determined. Of forces continuing their operations to the South of Kobanê also liberated the villages of Hemedaşa, Qasmiyê, Qûmlêx, Girê Sor and Til Ebarê yesterday evening. To the East of Kobanê our forces have liberated the village of Qoser. At the same time they carried out an operation between the villages of Derfilît and Qaşik in which three ISIS fighters were killed. They also targeted a group of ISIS fighters near the village of Îdaniyê. At least two ISIS fighters are determined to have been killed in this fighting. Today (yesterday) morning fighting also broke out between ISIS and our forces in the villages of Xan Memed and Hemdûn. Fighting in the area continues.”

YPG/YPJ Enter Şiyux

YPG/YPJ fighters also liberated the villages of Zor Mizar and Zaret during the course of fighting yesterday, and have entered the town of Şiyux (Şêxler a Jêrîn). According to information available the villages of Zor Mizar and Zaret, which are on the Turkish border, have been entirely cleared of ISIS fighters. YPG/YPJ forces in Şiyux now control about half of the town, where heavy fighting continues