MESOP SHORT CUTS SOUTH KURDISTAN (IRAQ) Barzani reiterates on holding independence referendum

28 Apr 2015 – The President of Kurdistan Region, Massoud Barzani, reiterated the region will hold a pre-planned referendum to ask the people of the region whether they want to have an independent state or remain a part of Iraq.

In a meeting with religious and leading officials of Dohuk, third-biggest province of the region, Barzani stated no change has been made in Erbil’s decision to hold referendum and the region’s decision would be accepted. Barzani also said the Islamic State (IS) insurgency into Kurdistan Region was stopping Iraqi Kurds’ independence and take control of the disputed regions from the Kurdish forces of Peshmerga. He ultimately added a referendum would decide on the fate of the disputed regions that both Baghdad and Erbil claim authority over.