MESOP SHORT CUTS (Click headlines for full Texts)

Kurdish Struggle Blurs Syria’s Battle Lines

The New York Times – Street names in Syria’s far northeastern corner have been changed from Arabic to Kurdish, schools openly teach the Kurdish language, and the country’s most powerful Kurdish militia flies its flag from checkpoints on main roads.…

Iraqi Kurdistan: KRG Urges Compensation For Victims Of Genocide

UNPO- Thirty years ago in 1983, over 8,000 Kurdish men and boys of the Barzani tribe, some as young as 13, were killed by the previous regime in a deliberate attempt to rid the Kurdish communities of adult males of military service age.  Killing 8000 Kurdish men and boys of the Barzani tribe was conducted under a campaign named Anfal. The Anfal Campaign also known as the Kurdish Genocide was genocidal campaign against the Kurdish people…