MESOP : PUK’S TRICKY INVITATION TO PKK (PYD) – PUK asks PYD to mend ties with Kurdistan Region

The Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), a ruling party in Kurdistan Region of Iraq, asked the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) to md its ties with the Iraqi autonomous region.

29 Jan 2015 – Kurdpress – Sending a message to the PYD on the advent of the release of the northern besieged city Kobani, PUK asked the Syrian Kurdish party to mend its relation with Erbil government and provide a better situation for cooperation among Syrian Kurdish parties. “better ties between Syrian Kurds and Kurdistan Regional Government as well as solving tensions among Syrian Kurdish parties will undoubtedly strengthen the status of Cantons and boost national feeling,” the PUK message said. The PYD has established three cantons in Syria Kurdish region and each canton has its local parliament. The message expressed hope that after Kobani’s victory over the Islamic State (IS), the PYD would try to execute the Dohuk Agreement. The agreement on October 22, 2014 asks for better cooperation between Syrian Kurdish parties and joint rule over the cantons. The PUK also asked the international community and the UN to rush to reconstruct Kobani that was liberated from the IS days ago after more than four months of besiege.