MESOP : PUK = THE TEHRAN BRANCH IN KURDISTAN / Barham Salih praises the constructive role of the Mullahs – Not a single word about Mahabad !

Barham Salih hails Iran’s supportive role in Iraq

Deputy Head of Patriotic Union of Kurdistan Barham Salih appreciated on Sunday Iran for its effective support for Iraq under difficult conditions, specially in the campaign against the Islamic State (IS) terrorists.

“I appreciate the Islamic Republic of Iran’s supportive role for the Iraqi nation, specially the country’s Kurdish people under the difficult epoch-making conditions,” Salih, also former prime minister of Iraqi Kurdistan Region, said in a meeting with Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian in Tehran, Fars News Agency. Salih said that radicalism is a threat to the entire region and the regional countries should boost their cooperation to confront extremists. He also briefed Amir Abdollahian on the latest security conditions in Iraq and the Iraqi Kurdistan region

The Iranian deputy foreign minister, for his part, appreciated Salih for his constructive role in Iraq’s new developments, and underlined the need for boosting national unity in Iraq through the balanced participation of all tribes in the Arab country’s political structure. Amir Abdollahian pointed to Iraq’s regional status, and said that consolidation of stability and security in Iraq is a prelude to regional security.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran will continue its effective and constructive role in supporting the Iraqi government and nation,” the Iranian deputy foreign minister vowed. In relevant remarks in December, Salih appreciated Iran for its effective role in resolving the regional problems. “Iran is the most influential country in the Middle East which plays an effective role in settling regional issues, particularly the crises caused by terrorists,” Salih said in a meeting with Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani in the Iraqi Kurdish city of Sulaimaniya at the time. He underlined that the Iraqi Kurdistan region has close relations and good cooperation with Iran in the fight against terrorist groups. Salih hailed Iran’s support for Iraq in the battle against terrorism in the cities of Baghdad and Erbil, and said, “The country needs domestic and regional help in order to counter terrorist groups.”