MESOP NEWS TODAYS STARTER – Thanks, Donald! – Trump Officials to Syria: Stop Using WMD or We Strike, Again !

2 Febr 2018 – Senior administration officials are warning that the Trump administration could take military action – again – against the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad because of its continued use of chemical weapons against its own people.• The two officials, speaking anonymously as a condition of the briefing, further warned that if Syria’s behavior is allowed to continue, it could serve as a green light to other bad actors that could spell a chemical attack on U.S. shores. And they’re holding Moscow responsible.  

  • The two officials said Russia knows exactly what its client state Syria is doing, despite public protestations to the contrary, which are meant to sow doubt in the public with a wink at Washington. “They’re not trying to fool us. They know what we know,” one of the officials said. “They’re trying to fool you.”


Read today’s brief on the Trump administration’s stance on Syria—and the different paths the White House sees out of this nightmare.    Read all