Joint Statement by PDKI and Komala on the Situation in Kurdistan

Posted On October 23, 2017 – In a joint statement, PDKI and Komala warn that military and terrorist attacks by Iran’s IRGC against the headquarters of both parties, located in southern (Iraqi) Kurdistan, could be imminent.Both parties reserve the right to take all necessary measures to repel any attacks by Iran and call on the people of eastern (Iranian) Kurdistan to join them in that effort. PDKI and Komala also call on the international community to take a firm position against Iranian aggression.

The full statement:

The attacks carried out by Hashd al-Sahbi (Popular Mobilization Forces) and the Iraqi Army in the disputed regions of southern Kurdistan has not only resulted in instability, communal divisions and loss of human life but have also created an opportunity for the Islamic Republic of Iran and its terrorist forces to plan attacks against the political parties of eastern Kurdistan.

We condemn the Islamic Republic of Iran’s conspiracies and aggressions against the Kurdistan region. The regime in Iran is not only the enemy of the different nations of Iran but is also the main source of instability and conflict in the Middle East. Iran will only fuel conflict and discord in southern Kurdistan.It is our legitimate right to do everything in our power and take all necessary measures in countering any aggression by the Islamist regime in Iran against us.

In the event of Iranian military aggression, the brave people in eastern Kurdistan will mobilize and stand with their political parties. We reassure the people of eastern Kurdistan that their Peshmerga Forces will as always bravely fight the enemy of the Kurdish people.

We encourage the Kurds in the diaspora to raise awareness on the current situation and to engage in peaceful demonstrations to denounce Iranian plans of aggression against the parties of eastern Kurdistan, as well as Kurds from eastern Kurdistan residing in southern Kurdistan.

We expect that the Kurdistan Regional Government and our sisters and brothers in southern Kurdistan to prevent the Islamist regime in Iran to take advantage of the current and volatile situation to attack the bases of political parties of eastern Kurdistan or our members.

We urge the members of the political parties to be prepared for all forms of Iranian aggression. We ask you to refrain from polarizing political rhetoric or the use of harsh words against any Kurdish party from other parts of Kurdistan in order to preserve unity in this delicate situation.

We call on the international community, the UN and the countries that have diplomatic missions in the Kurdistan Region to take a firm position against the Islamic Republic of Iran’s interference in the internal affairs of Iraq and the Kurdistan Region as well as the threat Iran poses to us and our headquarters.

Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan (PDKI) –  Komala Party of Iranian Kurdistan –

22 October 2016