MESOP : News from the world slaughterhouse – No Less than 20 Massacres were Perpetrated in January 2015 / Click for pdf document

20 Massacres – Executive Summary – SNHR documented in the month of January 2015 20 massacres at least as follows:

Government forces: 16 massacres – Armed opposition: one massacre – Unidentified groups: three massacres

Those massacres took place in various Syrian governorates as follows:

Damascus suburbs: five

Aleppo: five massacres

Homs: three massacres

Daraa: three massacres

Ar-Raqqa: four massacres

Der Ezzor: one massacre

Idlib: one massacre

Idlib: one massacre

Al-Hassaka: one massacre

Hama: one massacre

241 victims were killed in those massacres including 36 children and 31 women as 27.8% of the total number of victims were women and children. This notably high percentage indicates that civilians were deliberately targeted in most of these massacres

Victims who died in those massacres were divided as follows:

Government forces: 195 victims including 32 children and 21 women.

Armed opposition: 15 victims including three children and five women.

Unidentified groups: 31 victims including one child and five women

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