MESOP NEW : Kurdish Members of ISIS found in Garmian Region

09.03.2014 – Dler Abdul-Rahman – BasNews, Garmian – The Assayish (security forces) in Garmian have arrested three youths in Darbandikhan. The three men had been writing slogans appertaining to the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) terrorist group.

The director of the Asayish told BasNews that after a thorough investigation into the circulation of writing, phone numbers and slogans related to ISIS, they arrested the young men. “The youths are all Kurdish and reside in Darbandikhan. They have all admitted to writing the slogans, but the investigation is still underway,” said the Asayish office. The Asayish are yet to understand whether they three men are members of ISIS or whether they are merely spreading this information for the sake of it.