MESOP LATEST : Iran pleased with PYD transitional administration (BUT NOT IN EAST KURDISTAN!)
Bestun Kakayi – BasNews (Iran): 19-11-2013 – The Iranian government is pleased with the PYD’s declaration of a local transitional administration in the Kurdish areas of Syria.
Iranian Radio Farda reported that the Iranian government and President Bashar al-Assad are pleased with last week’s declaration of an interim government. Iranian media agencies are praising the efforts by the PYD in fighting extremists in northern Syria. According to these media outlets, the People’s Protection Unit (YPG) have defeated extremists in 16 villages of Syria’s Kurdish region.
Due to the transitional government, Assad has now put his hopes in the revival of an Alawites government in the areas of Damascus, Homs and Lathikiya and up to the border with the Syrian Kurdish areas. Many fear that the declaration of an interim government will further divide the country, and exacerbate the conflict. On Nov 13, the Syrian Kurds announced a plan to implement a local administration in the Kurdish region of Syria. The announcement has been a source of concern for the USA, Turkey and the Kurdistan Regional Government. The Kurds in Syria make up an estimated 10 percent of the population, and according to some, they view the Syrian civil war as an opportunity to gain more autonomy.