MESOP : KAK MESUD’S DAYS ARE NUMBERED ? – Massoud Barzani says he is ready to leave power

Kurdistan Region President Massoud Barzani has reportedly announced his readiness to abdicate and leave power in the region.

28 Jan 2016 – The Rudaw TV channel quoted Barzani as saying in a recent meeting with the region’s political leaders that he is ready to give up power peacefully.According to the report, he also underlined his full support for anyone elected by the political parties or people through elections for the presidential post. Barzani said he will stay to help his successor for some time in fighting against the Islamic State (IS) and will then leave the Iraqi Kurdistan region to provide some room for the next president’s independence, EKurd reported. The crisis erupted after Barzani whose term as president ended on August 20, 2015 but refused to step down and remains unofficially in office. And according to the law in Kurdistan, Barzani cannot run for presidency anymore.

Opposition parties to Barzani-led Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) failed to reach a consensus over solving the issue and the KDP halted parliament meetings after its forces did not allow Yusuf Muhammad Sadiq, the region’s parliament speaker and a member of Gorran Movement, to return to the parliament. Since then the parliament has been suspended. Need to mentioned in April 2014, Massoud Barzani has sets condition to leave power, he told Sky News Arabic that he was ready to leave power only if the Kurdish enclave parties reach an agreement over the way to govern Iraq’s autonomous region of Kurdistan.