MESOP EVENTS : 3rd Copenhagen Kurdish Film Days: 20 – 23 February
In Denmark, the count down for the 3rd Copenhagen Kurdish Filmdays (CKF) has begun. For four days filmenthusiasts can enjoy a long list of films, which FOKUS-A and Cinemateket has put together for the program during February 20-23. FOKUS-A is the national association for Kurdish students and academics and Cinemateket is both Film Institute and the most central cinema in Denmark.
This year, FOKUS-A has devoted CKF to “Kurdish Women”, where 8 different feature and documentary films will both entertain and enlighten the audience with different perspectives of the life of a Kurdish woman, from societal repression and male dominance toward organised uprise and an international women’s movement. FOKUS-A says:
“This year we have made a special tribute to women of Kurdistan. All selected films will present challenges in the society of Kurds and the states governing Kurdistan and we will zoom into the life of women as symbols for emancipation, self defense and freedom. We hope to bring the Kurdish (film)culture closer the Danish society and this way bring along a broader understanding of the situation in the region – cultural, social and economical.”
During CKF many internationally renown and awarded instructors will be represented including Yüksel Yavuz (Hêvî, 2013) Hisham Zaman (Before Snowfall, 2013), Bahman Ghobadi (Rhino Season, 2012), Hiner Saleem (My Sweet Pepperland, 2013) and Reha Erdem (Jîn, 2012). And more to this, new upcommers and filmcollectives will be presented to the joy of culture- and filmenthusiasts.
“The event will open with My Sweet Pepperland after 2 hours of social mingling with refreshments and live music in the lounge of Cinemateket, which will be converted into an authentic Kurdish home.”, says FOKUS-A.
The mingling will open at 6pm on the 20th of February at Cinemateket.
For program and tickets:
About FOKUS-A and CKF 2014: – More news: – Contact: Esmer Mamedi, tlf. 52 40 33 83