MESOP DOCUMENTS : DRAFT REPORT on “2014 Commission Progress Report on Turkey” (EU Enlargement)

Please find attached the full and official English, version of the European Parliament’s Foreign Affairs (AFET) Committee DRAFT REPORT on “2014 Commission Progress Report on Turkey” (EU Enlargement), as drafted by the EP Rapporteur Ms Kati PIRI (Dutch MEP – Socialists and Democrats Group). It expresses the non-binding opinion of the European Parliament on the last “EU Commission’s 2014 Progress Report on Turkey”. (Ask for French, Italien, German Version: via ) – Some general information about the internal EP Procedures:

  • The report will be discussed in the forthcoming AFET Committee meeting next Tuesday 20th of January at 15.30;
  • European Parliament’s Members of the Foreign Affairs Committee have time until next 27th of January 2015 to table amendments to the draft report;
  • The amendments and “compromise proposals” by the EP AFET Rapporteur will be discussed later in February;
  • The date for adoption in AFET Committee has not been fixed yet (most probably, end of February);
  • Once adopted in AFET Committee, the report will be sent to the Plenary of the European Parliament in Strasbourg for final adoption (most probably during the EP March 2015 parliamentary session, 9-12 March 2015, still to be confirmed).

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