MESOP : BASHAR’S ENVOY PRAISES PYD/PKK – Syria government declares support for PYD / US not alone in cooperating with PKK’s Syrian affiliate, says Syrian UN Ambassador Ja’afari

NEW YORK – – The Syrian UN envoy said Tuesday that terrorist organization PKK’s Syrian affiliate, the Democratic Union Party (PYD), enjoys the support of not only the U.S. but also the Assad regime.

“These Syrian Kurds supported by the American administration are also supported by the Syrian government, just for your kind information”, Bashar Ja’afari told reporters following a closed-door Security Council meeting on Turkey’s recent shelling of PYD targets in northern Syria.

The session, in which no action was taken, was held at the request of Russia.”The victory achieved in the northern part of Syria, both by the Syrian army and the Syrian Kurds, is a joint victory for all the Syrians. Everybody is benefiting from the Syrian army direct support”, Ja’afari said.A recent row between Turkey and the U.S. — longtime NATO allies — centered on Washington’s objection to describing the PYD as a terrorist group.Ja’afari’s statement marks one of Syrian regime’s first direct acknowledgements of its cooperation with the PYD.