Motto would not realize Kurdish independence: Barham Salih

2 June 2015 – The deputy leader of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), Barham Salih, asked for close ties between parties in Kurdistan Region and solving intra-PUK tensions and stressed the Kurdish region’s independence is impossible with motto. Addressing the PUK leading council’s meeting on June 1, Salih stressed on unity among Iraqi Kurdish parties and resuming ties between the PUK and Change Movement (Gorran).The PUK leader called the 20th century the century of disasters for Kurds and reiterated that the present century should bring fundamental and big changes in the political and security principles of the last century.

He further stated the fall of the Iraqi northern city of Ramadi to the militants of the Islamic State (IS) proves Iraqi army’s inefficiency, adding that it is a shame for the army to be defeated despite billions of dollars of expense while the Kurdish forces of Peshmerga are fighting the IS militants without any salaries. Salih said Peshmerga and the Shiite fighters are the only real forces that fight the IS. Salih also demanded abolishment to the center-oriented political system in Iraq and asked for changes in the way Iraqi army and military forces are controlled. Salih further reiterated for more support to the Kurdish forces of Peshmerga and cooperation between the Kurdish forces and other Iraqi fighters. Referring to the Kurdish region’s bid to declare its independence from Iraq, the PUK deputy leader later added it is the right on each group and people to decide their fate but it needs political accord among all Kurdish lines and unity between them as fighting back any possibility needs unity before everything.