TEV-DEM Official Calls Syrian Kurdish Peshmerga “Gangsters” – The statement has caused concern among Syrian Kurds

ROJAVA — 21 May 2016 – BasNews -A leading member of the Movement for a Democratic Society (TEV-DEM) is fiercely being criticized for calling the Syrian Kurdish Peshmerga forces “gangsters”.

Aldar Khalil, a leading member of TEV-DEM, recently said in an interview with Kurdistan24 Channel that Syrian Kurdish Peshmerga forces won’t be allowed to return back to Rojava [Syrian Kurdistan] as their return may cause tensions. He insisted that the forces do not deserve the name of “Peshmerga” as they are more like “gangsters.”Syrian Kurdish Peshmerga forces are made up of Syrian Kurds who received military trainings from Kurdistan Region’s Ministry of Peshmerga, and they are armed by the US.

Kalil’s statement, however, has caused concerns among Syrian Kurds with the Democratic Union Party (PYD) representation office in Kurdistan Region saying they will investigate the “misinterpreted statement”. Gharib Haso, PYD Representative in Kurdistan Region, told BasNews that they are aware of the mounting concerns, but an official clarification will be released soon after investigations into the “misinterpreted statement.” Leading member of the Kurdistan Democratic Party of Syria (KDPS) Kawa Aziz condemned the statement and told BasNews the Syrian Kurdish Peshmerga forces are from Rojava and they are committed to defend their homeland only.
He explained that they have never branded the People’s Protection Units (YPG) and Women’s Protection Units (YPJ) as “gangsters” because they believe these forces are fighting for Kurdistan as well. “These forces cannot be blamed for the unwise leadership.” Dlovan Rovari, a commander of Syrian Kurdish Peshmerga forces, claims that his men will return to Rojava as the US Special Presidential Envoy to the Global Coalition Fighting Islamic State (IS), Brett McGurk, has urged the PYD and YPG to allow the Peshmerga return to Rojava.He argued that Rojava can be more secured if the Syrian Peshmerga forces are stationed there and protect the Kurdish areas against IS offensives.