18.11.2012 – DIYARBAKIR (DIHA) – Meeting with the PKK Leader Abdullah Ocalan on Imrali Island, brother Mehmet Ocalan stated that I went to Imrali Island with so-called broken coaster.
Mehmet Ocalan signified that his bother Abdullah Ocalan, “I’m calling from here, hunger strikes must be ended now. This act achieved its goals any more. If anything is made, nobody will sit upon imprisoned friends. This isn’t moral, ethical. This is neither conscientiously nor humane,” said. Stating that the health state of Abdullah Ocalan is good, Mehmet Ocalan, “Everyone knows this very well, he is informed about everything, not only in Kurdistan but also in all over the world. He know even every pace someone take for peace on behalf of humanism,” said.
‘I went to Imrali Island with so-called broken coaster’
The PKK (Kurdistan Worker’s Party) Leader Abdullah Ocalan’s brother Mehmet Ocalan went to the Imrali High Security Prison yesterday to meet with him. In his return, conveying his message about the ending of indefinite and non-alternate hunger strikes, which are on the 68th day Mehmet Ocalan, “I went to Imrali Island with coaster, which was claimed to be broken for 15 months,” attracted. Mehmet Ocalan told the details about the meeting to DIHA (Dicle News Agency).
‘This act achieved its goals any’
Mehmet Ocalan, “I met with my brother, who hasn’t been let to meet with his lawyers for more than 15 months, about 45 minutes face to face on Imrali. The content of our meeting, is of course the hunger strikes. Everyone knows that only Leader Apo can end the hunger strikes. Upon this, we went to the island. Mehmet Ocalan signified that his bother Abdullah Ocalan, “I’m calling from here, hunger strikes must be ended now. This act achieved its goals any more. If anything is made, nobody will sit upon imprisoned friends. This isn’t moral, ethical. This is neither conscientiously nor humane,” said.
‘This action is very meaningful for me’
Mehmet Ocalan said that Abdullah Ocalan, “The hunger strikes are almost on the 70th day. Hunger strikers are on the brink of death. I think the hunger strikes must be ended as soon as possible. When you go back to Istanbul, convey my message via press. This act achieved its goals any more. This action is very meaningful for me. Especially, as these actions develop in prisons, they are very very important and meaningful,” put into words.
‘You must bring together people in cities’
Mehmet Ocalan, “Everyone knows this very well, he is informed about everything, not only in Kurdistan but also in all over the world. He know even every pace someone take for peace on behalf of humanism,” said. Mehmet Ocalan said that Abdullah Ocalan, “I’m following the developments more or less. If anything is made, nobody will sit upon imprisoned friends. They must do themselves outside, not in prisons. Ten thousand of our comrades are in prisons. Inspite of sitting upon them, you must bring together people in cities especially in Diyarbakir and other big and important places. In this way ,the massive people put their reactions into words. Namely, you must struggle to save imprisoned comrades, not only BDP and DTK, but also all the NGOs must do this,” stated.
‘Prisoners shouldered the responsibility of those outside’
“The prisoners on hunger strike have shouldered the responsibility of those outside who should however avoid burdening the prisoners with their own responsibilities and duties. Besides my disapproval of the act of hunger strike, I believe it should be carried out by the people outside prisons if necessary, not by the people in jails. This quite meaningful act should be ended without any hesitation for it has achieved its primary purpose. I convey my special greetings to all those on hunger strike, especially to those in the first and second groups,” said PKK Leader Abdullah Ocalan to his brother.
‘Syrian Kurds must be careful about their achievements’
Mehmet Ocalan said that my brtoher Abdullah Ocalan spoke about Syrian Kurds latest situations and achievements and reminded, “I’m sending my salutations to Kurdish people in all parts of Kurdistan. Especially, Syrian Kurds cannot solve problems lived in Syria by seizining 6 cities. Democratic foundations and constitutions must be in contact with Arabs, Jews, Christians and all the peoples. They must move all together. In this way, autonomy reach its eventual mean and sense. From now on, neither Bashar Asad nor FSA (Free Syrian Army) can make the people living there free. The clashs lived there are very dangerous. Democratic autonomy can be meaningful and set by being in contact with all the peoples. Developments can causes unwanted results there, they must be careful about their achievements,” implied.