Manifesto of NGO’S in Kurdistan


We, who signed this paper, as inhabitants of the Kurdish regions, that were attacked by poisenous gas,  or as relatives of Victims of this attacks, have gathered at the 20th of November, in the office of WADI in Suylemaia, to found a NGO with a humanitarian agenda.

Our aim is the further development of the regions, attacked by Gas, and the follow up of the progress there. The other direction of our intentions is the recognition of this poisonous gas attacks as an International crime, a crime against humanity. Also, local and international awareness of the situation in the areas, that were hit by gas is needed.

We want to engage ourselves for the collection of all remnants and memorys concerning the gas attacks, including reports, articles, documents. Al this must be collected and preserved.

At the same time, a scientific research and an analysis of the humanitarian problems of the people in this regions must be undertaken.

It should be clear, that the gas attacks against the civilian population in the years of 1987 and 1988 were strongly connected to the slaughters and displacements of the Anfal-campaign. This Campaign with the gas attacks in their center was a genocide. The use of poisonous gas and other weapons of mass destruction against a civilian population ist a violation of international law in any case. It is a crime. Today, the impact of this gas attacks on the still suffering victims and the environment still needs to be investigated.

For the work already done in helping the areas, that were attacked by gas, and the families of the victims in the fields of  reconstruction, humanitarian support, researches, or press coverage, we want to thank all the people and organisations, that were involved in the past.

And we want to emphasize, that we are eager to cooperate with all active groups or organisations, that are willing to something for our regions in the future.

Our manifest is not only aiming at making our registration public, we also want to clarify, that all our activities will be open to the public.

It was a Genozid, that happened in Kurdistan, and it should be remembered as one.

For supporting our work and agenda, we need assistance from abroad as from within.

In promoting our agenda, we want to give a signal for peace and become a part of the worldwide movement against the proliferation and the use of weapons of mass destruction.
