Kurds, Ezidis to rally in Berlin against Erdoğan

ISTANBUL – Hürriyet Daily News – 30.10.2012 – A large group of Kurds, Ezidis, Armenians, Alawites and Syriacs from Europe are prepared to hold a protest against Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s visit to Germany today. Around 10,000 people from almost 50 organizations are expected to attend the rally in Berlin.

Ezidis in particular are angry with Erdoğan’s recent remarks in which he used the term “Yezidi” instead of “Ezidi.” They believe that the word “Yezidi” holds negative connotations in Turkey.

Aziz Alkış, head of the Ezidi Associations Federation in Berlin said the “prime minister looked down on Ezidi citizens” with his remarks. He said they would call on Erdoğan to end his policy in Syria, as well as halt pressures on minorities and ethnic groups in Turkey. Noting that the Ezidi religion is not recognized on national ID cards and signified by an “X,” Alkış said it made their faith seem anti-Islamic.

‘Recognition of genocide’

Azad Ordughanyan, head of the Germany Armenians Center, said they would call on Turkey to recognize Armenian genocide allegations. “Turkey is still denying genocide. We will renew our call for recognition of the genocide.”

The head of the Alawite Unions Federation in Cologne, Hüseyin Mat, said the Turkish government has a policy of assimilation rather than accepting all differences. “Erdoğan will tell Europe that Turkey is a democratic country here. We will tell that this is not true.”
