Kurdistan People’s Initiative in solidarity with Taksim resistance
ANF – AMED 06.06.2013 – In a written statement released on Thursday, Kurdistan People’s Initiative greeted the Gezi Park democratic public resistance which started nine days ago and has spread to the entire country by now.
The Initiative called on the people of Kurdistan to “take a more active part in the current process of democratic civil commotion” and to ensure further participation in this process to force the AKP state display sensitivity about the reality of Free Kurdistan and Democratic Turkey.
The Initiative said that, “Despite the fact that this public resistance firstly emerged defending nature conservation, the persistently growing and spreading protest has expressed people’s democratic reflection against the statist mentality. This resistance is definitely a result of the fact that the Democratic Modernity tradition has been maintained until today. Mahir, Mazlum, Deniz, Kemal and the Kurdish freedom movement have a determinative part in this tradition which has been led from the beginning until today by the people of Kurdistan, the greatest victim of the cruelty and violence by the state”.
The Initiative remarked that some opportunist circles, such as Egenekon-nationalist and counter-revolutionaries like the Gülen movement, however intended to turn this democratic resistance to an opportunity to seize the government. “As Kurdish people, we have been giving a fight for many years now for the liberation of Kurdistan and democratization of Turkey. Our fight for this purpose will be growing more and more every day. As Kurds, we will continue joining and leading the Gezi Park resistance with our own identiy and colour”.