Kurdish National Congress Preparatory Committee K.N. KURD Kongreya Neteweyî ya Kurd

Komîteya Amadekar

Date: August, 22, 2013

Mr. Hans ………………….

Board Member of the EUTCC


E-Mail: branscheidt@eutcc.de

RE: Letter of Invitation – the First Kurdish National Congress

Dear ,

The Middle East is witnessing extraordinary changes, challenges, and developments throughout the region. Concurrent with that, it is witnessing a growing recognition of democracy; and people’s right to restore a just, free, and democratic society. However, that enthusiasm, unfortunately, turned to disappointment when elevated hopes turned to disillusionment, internal conflict, and civil war.

The Kurd, being part of the volatile Middle East, have been already struggling for their legal and basic human rights since decades now. They engraved their path to freedom, democracy, and peaceful coexistence, with the tenacity, dear sacrifices, self-sacrifice, and self-abnegation by their courageous men and women.

To that end, the Kurdish people have the right to address their demands, and rights exhausting peaceful and democratic means, away from violence, and unfortunate conflicts that tear societies apart. To achieve this goal, they look to the Kurdish leadership; especially the leading political actors, i.e. the Secretary General of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, Mr. Jalal Talabani, the President of Kurdistan Region, H.E. Masoud Barzani, and the leader of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party Mr. Abdullah Ocalan, to work together to find peaceful and meaningful solutions. This will require a willingness to seek a common ground as well as to exercise the required leadership that responds to people’s aspirations and demands.

To that end, and because of the recent developments in the Middle East, the idea of convening the “First Kurdish National Congress” is crafted to provide a peaceful venue for our people to address their aspirations, and vision for their own future. By this Congress, we are witnessing a new beginning in the effort to achieve a comprehensive, lasting, and viable peace in the Middle East.

In particular, the First Kurdish National Congress seeks to develop a strategic framework for articulating Kurdish people’s demands, and right, adopting the internationally recognized principles of Democracy, Freedom, Peaceful Coexistence, and Mutual Respect among all the ethno – religious communities of the Middle East.

In accordance with that, we present compliments to you, and have the honor to invite you to attend the inauguration day of this historical event, which will be held under the auspice of H.E President Masoud Barzani at the Saad Abdullah Convention Center, in the capital of the Kurdistan Region, Hewler “Erbil” on 15 September 2013, and will be inaugurated at 10.00 am, on the first day.

Kindly be informed that simultaneous interpretation will be provided in Kurdish, English, and Arabic, and the Agenda is still being finalized.

Should you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact us on the secretariat e-email address: kurdish.national.congress@gmail.com or phone: 00964 750 8924 409.

We are looking forward to welcoming you in Hewler for this historical event…


Preparatory Committee of the First Kurdish National Congress

K.N. KURD – Kurdish National Congress – Preparatory Committee

K.N. KURD – Kongreya Neteweyî ya Kurd – Komîteya Amadekar