Kurdish delegation meets new Syria opposition leader

Kurdpress – 9.7.2013 – A Kurdish delegation from Kurds National Council (KNC) met on Monday with Ahmad Asi al-Jabra the newly- elected leader of Syria National Council (SNC), the main body of the country’s oppositions, Welati net said.

Heading the delegation, the Syria Kurdish official Dr. Behzad Ibrahim congraturated Jabra on the advent of his election and handed the messages of other Syria Kurdish activists in Syria and Iraq to him. “Mr. Jabra is a son of Jazira and as he has been born in Kurdish regions and has studied law, he is well aware of the Kurds problems,” Ibrahim said after meeting al- Jabra, voicing his hope that a clear understanding will emerge of the Kurds problems during the new SNC leadership. Ibrahim added they will try to intensify ties with “our brothers to help Syria revolution.” The Kurdish official further added KNC leaders will hold meetings with SNC leaders during Islamic holy month of Ramadan to ease tensions.