Serêkaniyê underlined that the Turkish state & some collaborative Kurdish parties had their hand in the attacks targeting Rojava.

Thousands of Syrian Kurds bid farewell to Kurdish YPG fighters in Amude 

August 30, 2013 – AMUDE, Syrian Kurdistan,— Tens of thousands joined the funeral ceremony of the Kurdish People Defense Units (YPG) fighter Malik Xdelef and six members of the People’s Assembly killed in recent clashes with Islamic-Jihadist groups in western Kurdistan, Rojava, (north and northeastern Syria).


YPG fighter Malik Xdelef lost his life in a bomb attack which targeted YPG’s control points between Amude and Heseke on Thursday. Six members of People’s Assembly, Brusk Salih Fatime, İsam Ebdulrezak Hisen, Berzan Ednan Umer, Amir Fewaz Ehmed, Selman Xelîl Nayîf vand Enes Zavê have been killed in recent clashes in Rojava after they joined the Kurdish defense units in response to the increasing attacks against Kurdish people and their territory.

Tens of thousands carrying YPG flags and posters of Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan marched to Martry İsmail Hogir Cemetery in Amude. The funeral ceremony in the cemetery began with one-minute’s silence for all those who sacrificed their life for the freedom of the Kurdish people.

Speaking here, Dîcle Serêkaniyê on behalf of TEV-DEM and Yekîtiya Star pointed out that the Kurdish people will continue to protect their achievements in Rojava. Serêkaniyê underlined that the Turkish state and some collaborative Kurdish parties had their hand in the attacks targeting Rojava. Serêkinayê called on Kurdish people to unite stronger than ever for the achievement of an autonomous and free Kurdistan. Kurdish fighters were buried following the speeches