KRG’s Barzani to meet with Turkish FM Davutoğlu in Ankara / SYRIA & HEWLER KURDISH CONFERENCE

30 July 2013 /TODAYSZAMAN.COM, İSTANBUL – Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) Prime Minister Neçirvan Barzani will make a surprise visit to Turkey and will meet with Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu to review recent developments regarding the clashes between Kurdish groups and al-Qaeda linked radical groups in northern Syria.

Barzani is also expected to attend an iftar (fast-breaking dinner) along with Davutoğlu after meeting in Ankara.Two officials will discuss the ongoing settlement process aimed at solving the decades-old Kurdish dispute and terrorism problem in Turkey, sources say.

Turkey and the KRG is cooperating to find a peaceful solution to the Kurdish problem and the issue of disarmament of the terrorist Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) which has bases in Qandil Mountains in northern Iraq. Turkey expressed its concerns over any unilateral move to establish an autonomous zone in northern Syria amid escalating clashes between Kurds and radical groups over the control of the border towns. Syria’s Democratic Union Party (PYD) — an offshoot of the terrorist Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) — is fast moving forward to declarare autonomy in northern Syria, a move that has drawn ire of Ankara wich is adamantly against any kind of unilateral decision. Ankara sees such move will further exacerberate Syrian conflict and will likely fuel fissure in the disparate Syrian opposition which suffers from ensuing internal squabbles that leads to constant failure to form a coherent and able political body, let alone a central and united military force.