KDP Official: Iranian Revolution Was About Justice for All Oppressed People
When the “Iranian Revolution” was for the poor – for whom was the Kurdish Revolution in Iraq? – Ask your KDP / PUK Official (MESOP)
By RUDAW – 13.2.2014 – ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – In a speech on the anniversary of Iran’s 1979 Islamic Revolution, a senior official of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) in Erbil called on the Iranian government to address the Kurdish issue in Iran and help resolve the Kurdish question in the region.
Fazil Mirani, head of the KDP’s politburo, noted that the issue of allowing Kurdish education was being officially debated in Iran for the first time. He issued a reminder that Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the late founder of the revolution, had called for peace, justice and equality for oppressed people everywhere.
“The coexistence and principles that are in progress day-by-day in Iran, especially the issue of education in the Kurdish language, is debated officially for the first time,” Mirani said.
He called on the Islamic Republic to deal equally with all ethnic and religious groups in Iraq, saying that “would lead to peace, stability and security in Iraq.”
“We hope for Iran to deal with all the components of Iraq — Kurds, Sunnis, Turkomans, Christians, Yezidis and Armenians equally, Mirani stated. “This was the slogan of the Revolution and Imam Khomeini: That the oppressed peoples should benefit from the achievements of the revolution of the Iranian people and the Islamic Revolution,” he said. The Iranian Consulate in Erbil commemorated the 35th anniversary of the February 11, 1979 revolution that replaced the Iranian monarchy with an Islamic Republic. Mirani also expressed hope for Iranian initiatives to resolve the Kurdish question in Iraqi Kurdistan, Iran’s own Kurdish regions and in the region as a whole.
“It’s not possible for some to be in peace and others to be at war, some to be oppressed and others to be oppressors, because God has created all freely and we must live in our countries freely,” he said.For the first time during the anniversary celebrations in Erbil, the Kurdistan national anthem, Ey Reqib, also was played at the ceremony. Meanwhile, neither Kurdistan Region President Massoud Barzani or incumbent Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani attended the anniversary celebrations.- See more at: http://rudaw.net/english/middleeast/iran/12022014#sthash.YFg9Qw6d.dpuf